

2021-04-19 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal




  • Usiel
    Usiel5 days ago

    MC should've been a brilliant reincarnator. Yet even after being trash talked by bushy haired sl*t, and keep telling himself how he is going for power he still befriends the idiotic trio. Keeps a good relation with hermione keeps being friend with ron the idiot monkey and harry the naive moron.

  • Usiel
    Usiel11 days ago

    The MC is an idiotic hero wannabe. Stay away.

  • Usiel
    Usiel15 days ago

    story of an idiotic simp. it was disgusting, to read him simp over a more idiotic moron Lily. Giving away rare and life saving items to the idiot for no reason.. pure disappointment.

  • Usiel
    Usiel16 days ago

    story of a cuck, a slave and a thankful one on that. mc has been trashed by a mob from his ex's side and he is thankful for that. he has been enslaved and been nerfed with no mana/magic. im really not in to this cuck/wuss/woke/gay shit. good luck to the author.

  • Usiel
    Usiel18 days ago

    First of all it's really tiring to read all that whining. I've started to skim most of the paragraphs for this reason. IF's are way too much. The whole of this fiction could've been written in 20 chapters. Rest of it is pure whining. MC is not a smart one for sure. Good luck to the author.

  • Usiel
    Usiel2 months ago
    ตอบกลับถึง Zephyr2

    Thank you, I'm already reading Shiro when he writes the 5-6 fictions of his. I do like Kuro's stories, The nightmare and Sorcerer's ambition (Both versions). Burn the world down was unfortunately bad one with an idiot mc :). mirlnir is a good one when comes to evil MC writers, in case you'd like to check. Have a good day mate.

  • Usiel
    Usiel3 months ago
    ตอบกลับถึง reincarnation_end

    I do not argue with ppl who do not understand what I'm writing. I have no issues with the authors who generally shares their stories with us, on to opposite i do respect and applaud their work. The point is i do have a specific taste in fictions/novels/fanfictions and selfless, heroic, idiotic MC`s are a big NO NO for me. When i do point out these details ppl like the comments up pops and defends the author and/or the fiction. Strongly in their "point of view" they can express their thoughts but i can not :)

  • Usiel
    Usiel3 months ago

    Th MC is naive and selfless. Helping anyone who approaches him. Idiotic and Brute. I'd love to read some selfish bastard of an Evil MC not this Santa wannabe.

  • Usiel
    Usiel3 months ago
    ตอบกลับถึง Dopaminados

    I do not spread hate and definitely do not attack anyone. I personally like Fictions/Novels with an Evil/Dark/Selfish MC. When i point out that the MC of this disaster is gifting his powers left and right and acting like santa ppl with your mindset comes and defends the author and/or the fiction. If you really want to be a helpful little angel maybe recommend some Dark fictions instead of labeling me hateful. Good day and blessing of whatever god/gods you worship fellow reader.

  • Usiel
    Usiel3 months ago

    Oh i see the author being smart and dropped this sorry excuse of communism propaganda. Good move. 1 star is what this disaster deserves with one of the most idiotic, selfless, moronic MC's i've ever seen. Only good part of this fiction was the MHA arc if you skip the ending of it. It is really hard to find a good Evil/Dark/Anti-hero fictions nowadays. If i want to see a clown i'll check the original not be looking for fanfictions. Anyways best of luck author hopefully you'll get better and stop writing idiotic MC's.