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love the characters the explanation is great you can assume what the characters are thinking and if you are a lover of story like me would put yourself in the situation and feel sometimes stupid and other times would laugh and cry if you were in this situation
I don’t understand why they are so easy going I hope she gets more than one mate and have twins 😀😀 wouldn’t that be a surprise
What a fool just like her daughter all this time she betrayed the only person that treated her as family that was the empress and for a few words of love and thinking she deserved better killed her and now is her turn
In real life they are women who still can move on from divorce them give a second chance to the ex husband I never understand why if someone has treat you badly and hurt you emotionally them you have the chance to start over go ahead
Loved this book already just hope it gets better
he is the real second child there brothers
Yay hope the cousin married the third prince and destroy all those cold people
I hop she punished them
when will they realized their nothing but clowns to entertain others without them being good to them they are nothing plus when will Shao quin father stop acting stupid and wake up who take care of brothers until old age like their still kids
😂😂😂😂so delusional your daughter don’t have any money how are they going to live a better life with a person like her