of reading
Read books
Is all that he can look forward too
😵😲 Stardust has been sitting on this reveal for so long that he must feel like his fingers are floating now that the heavy weight of holding back such the reveal has left them.
Yeah Davis is definitely trying to bond with the guy. Otherwise he would have flicked him hard enough to knock him out before rummaging threw his pockets.
This guy is smart. Making sure that Davis knew that he was there to exchange pointers and even willing to offer up gifts for the opportunity and that he wasn't looking to die miserably. Perhaps an alliance with his family might be possible in the future. Exchange one of Stella's fruits for an appropriately sized area inside their upper realm or equally valuable resources might be an attractive offer if they have space-laws
Good they don't suffer from young master syndrome. Saves Davis lots of trouble.
poor guy all that hard work for nothing
Time for crow pie for dinner.
Lol. Telling him to go get with one of his other wives more. It would be funny if when she got mad at him in an argument or acted mad as they have an odd way of flirting and she yelled; "Go fuck a tree and kill yourself."
Bandit Emperor has to Bandit Emperor.