



2021-01-04 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal







  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Alex_siqueira

    Testosterones cannot and will not become negligible as long as that person is made of flesh and bones. As long as blood flows into a person's brain, it affects their thinking. As for the definition of emotion, that is a valid point. The meaning of words are decided by the people — society in general. Dictionaries are the closest to a collectively agreed upon meaning, however. Why? Because the meaning in dictionaries are generalized, which means it includes the meaning of the terminology numerous philosophers had thought of. From your example, Hume and Plato, emotion is seen as primitive and instinctive — as I've stated. Emotion rules reason — logic is driven by emotions — as I've stated. Changing sources does not change the already established meaning. Sentience and sapience is already enough proof of which comes first anyway, and how Logic and Emotion are separate. Where is your argument anyway? You only criticized without actual rebuttal.

    Just based on instinct and evolution, almost every man had some inherent pride, and hiding behind a woman was always humiliating.
    Kill the Sun
    แฟนตาซี · Warmaisach
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Alex_siqueira

    The effect of testosterone in Nick's world did not change unless it's specifically stated. They're still humans regardless of level. As for logic and emotion, they are indeed different and separate. Though they're still connected — logic drives from emotion — as I've previously stated. How do I prove they're separate? It's already in the previous comment as well. Sentience and sapience. Having emotions does not always come with logic, which is the case for sentient lifeforms. I mean, the fact that they're two different words already distinguish them from one another. Last but not least, it doesn't matter whether you agree with what emotion is or not. I described emotion as it is defined as a word — a natural and instinctive state of mind. Facts will not change simply because you disagree. Whatever your point is, you have to bring something to prove it. Otherwise, as I've mentioned in my first comment, it'd just be a pointless argument.

    Just based on instinct and evolution, almost every man had some inherent pride, and hiding behind a woman was always humiliating.
    Kill the Sun
    แฟนตาซี · Warmaisach
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Alex_siqueira

    Logic is driven by emotions regardless. Animals not eating more than they can chew is actually based on emotion and not logic. Emotions are natural and instinctive. Most animals are sentient and not sapient, so they don't even use logic. Also, the one you're arguing with defended his/her statement with facts. A subject's emotional state is highly affected by hormones. The difference in testosterone levels is a valid point, which you simply called sexist... which is not really wrong. Sexism is technically prejudice based on gender. It's just that his/her argument is scientifically proven. Calling it sexist does not invalidate the point. Otherwise, biology would not have progressed to this stage.

    Just based on instinct and evolution, almost every man had some inherent pride, and hiding behind a woman was always humiliating.
    Kill the Sun
    แฟนตาซี · Warmaisach
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Alex_siqueira

    Emotions do not follow logic because emotions comes first. Followed by our behavior, then we use logic to justify said behavior. Logic is always thrown to the side when emotions become strong enough. This entire convo, for example. It seethe with strong emotion. Like, is it logically wise to waste this much time in a pointless argument? No. But why do it anyways? Cuz people get emotional over something, then tries to justify it with logic — sometimes even twisting the truth. If we base it in the novel, a good example would be Erwin's attempted murder. A behavior driven by emotion, then used logic to justify his actions, which inevitably failed.

    Just based on instinct and evolution, almost every man had some inherent pride, and hiding behind a woman was always humiliating.
    Kill the Sun
    แฟนตาซี · Warmaisach
  • Ainceal


    Star-Embracing Swordmaster
    แฟนตาซี · revengerscans1
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Covinoc2

    That's not how it works

    Working with the Dark Room meant suffering under the Nightmare's influence, and nobody was willing to do that.
    Kill the Sun
    แฟนตาซี · Warmaisach
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Broland

    Humanity would be far more productive if the Dregs weren't the Dregs. Healthy blood donors are far better than corpses. Kugelblitz is literally squeezing the golden goose to death.

    Yet, the Specialist's job was to guard a door!
    Kill the Sun
    แฟนตาซี · Warmaisach
  • Ainceal

    Wasn't it B?

    Earth's Greatest Magus
    แฟนตาซี · Avan
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Oakley_Tallent

    To be fair, it is off topic. I only joined mid way when I saw you substitute Wisdom for Mother Nature, which is obviously ridiculous. From arguing what the origin of the word Titan is to Wisdom, then Mother Nature, then now DNA? My argument is that Wisdom isn't a product of fear nor Mother Nature. It is instinctual, and before you circle it back to Mother Nature, let me give you the definition of the word: -Mother Nature is the personification of nature. Imagine the planet Earth, then shape it into a 'person'. That is Mother Nature. Mother Earth is the same, but in a literal sense then a spiritual one. -Wisdom is experience, knowledge, coupled with sound judgement. This clearly does not relate to Mother Nature. That "person" did not teach me, my teachers did. Claiming Mother Nature gave me Wisdom is the same as people claiming a doctor's achievement of saving people as god's miracle. -As for the root of this whole comment: The origin of the word 'Titan'. While I am not part of that conversation, titan as a noun originated from Greek mythology. You may argue the etymology of that word, but the origin of it as a noun is already established. This isn't a matter of belief, but language. English decides what is correct English.

    ● Titan
    Shadow Slave
    แฟนตาซี · Guiltythree
  • Ainceal

    This just makes it worse. As pointed out previously, Mother Nature is a spiritual term. It isn't making any sense when you dump it together with the animal kingdom. Even 'Mother Earth' is too broad of a term for it.

    ● Titan
    Shadow Slave
    แฟนตาซี · Guiltythree
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Oakley_Tallent

    "You used the word incorrectly" — don't change my statement. There is a vast difference between the two.

    ● Titan
    Shadow Slave
    แฟนตาซี · Guiltythree
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Daoistslobig

    For someone who said there'd be a number of logical reasons, all you mentioned were so unlikely to happen. Obviously there wasn't any clan that got wiped out in the city, and people won't think: "Oh! A clan probably got wiped out!" when they see a poor boy enter their store carrying a bunch of elixirs.

    Eternal Thief
    แฟนตาซี · Wahi
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Oakley_Tallent

    Like I said, you're using the word incorrectly and having "deeper thoughts" does not solve the issue. Mother Nature does not connect with your statement. Therefore, your statement was basically making no sense. Unless you're trying to invent a new meaning to the term.

    ● Titan
    Shadow Slave
    แฟนตาซี · Guiltythree
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Daoistslobig

    A number of logical reasons huh? Like what? How is it reasonable that a poor 12 year old boy has pills worth thousands in his pocket? A spatial ring, even? I've read enough cultivation novels to know how absurd this is.

    Eternal Thief
    แฟนตาซี · Wahi
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Oakley_Tallent

    I don't have a unique perspective of mother nature, rather the definition of it. It's literally just the personified form of nature and has nothing to do with fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of pain, etc. Those you mentioned are instinctual responses, usually to promote survival. They are part of human nature, not mother nature. Be it Mother Nature or Mother Earth, both are terms used to describe the planet itself. The former is spiritual while the latter is more of a physical term. You can Google this if you want.

    ● Titan
    Shadow Slave
    แฟนตาซี · Guiltythree
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Oakley_Tallent

    That is far from what mother nature is, surely you jest?

    ● Titan
    Shadow Slave
    แฟนตาซี · Guiltythree
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Daoistslobig

    Twelve years old? Selling magical pills at that age... well ain't that suspicious. How did he get away with this? This is like a kid coming to a pawnshop to sell gold bars.

    Eternal Thief
    แฟนตาซี · Wahi
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง B_Tim

    It was isolated in a containment unit until Nick decided to free it, so it was definitely his fault. Plus, no one knew that it can devour other specters, and it consumes humans just the same. So, by that logic, won't keeping it close to humans — and inside a populous city be foolish in itself? Dark Dream keeps a human-devouring specter too, and I doubt other manufacturers don't keep their own share of dangerous Specters. In the end, the cause of the incident was Nick's decision to free a Force Specter, notoriously known for their trait of being extremely difficult to contain. The relatively easy and bloodless capture of The Fog made Nick underestimate Force Specters in general, as it was the only Force Specter he had interacted with at that time. The Crimson Sea should have helped him realize that it was dangerous to play with fire, though.

    Ch 322 Chapter 322 – Guilt
    Kill the Sun
    แฟนตาซี · Warmaisach
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง Kehinde_Oloruntayo

    It is Kilgharrah. That is the Khaos Space. The guardians are linked to it. Kilgharrah had already conversed with Emery and Morgana before when they first entered that place. There is no reason for the dragon to suddenly be unable to this time around.

    Ch 1659 Khaos
    Earth's Greatest Magus
    แฟนตาซี · Avan
  • Ainceal
    ตอบกลับถึง shade7501

    The screaming lack of identification? Asking everyone's account is what even lazy police officers would do. The excuse of MC not getting busted cuz no one will ask him is nonsense. A bit of identification, validity, and testimony is always conducted. This city is supposed to be some rich people's residential area as well, or at least close to it. Ever experienced how strick security and scrutiny is in such places? They would literally mingle in your belongings even if its not allowed.

    Eternal Thief
    แฟนตาซี · Wahi