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hope all is well with author Ash. have been waiting for an update for this novel
This story is totally different from all the books I have read from Ash. it's different in a very captivating manner and I totally love it so far. I must acknowledge how brilliant this author is coming up with such an intriguing, mysterious, thrilling, interesting and "a what the hell story"😂. I seriously lack the right words to describe this masterpiece. It's a full point rating from me. 5 ⭐ it is 👍
just hoping you are fine and will still continue this book somehow 😢
I can't wait for ember to have undivided attention towards draven. He deserves at least that much cus all these stupid connections with morph is making me hurt on behalf of draven. I don't think any man would be that understanding in real life.
my point exactly 💯
i honestly hoped their connection as mates would be stronger than the barrier and I didn't appreciate Morpheus taking more credit in helping Ember than Draven who's actually her mate. my thoughts though
I really want Morph back but not with his feelings for Ember. The head witch is a good and deserving lady, He should bend towards that side🙄
would love to read sky's point of view... it's difficult to know what he has in mind.
what just happened 😲😳😳😲
Anaya is such a beautiful soul 😊