

2020-12-06 เข้าร่วมแล้วUnited States






  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix3 years ago
    ตอบกลับถึง Mary_Anukwu_1292

    nobody will get a happy ending

  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix4 years ago
    ตอบกลับถึง MSUN

    Hello! Is there any email address where I can reach out to you?

  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix4 years ago

    Very well written. The characters are consistent with their personalities. Magic, action, fantasy, and royalty are all well mixed together without becoming confusing. Some of the grammar is kind of confusing which makes it sort of hard to read.

  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix4 years ago

    Very well written, I applaud your story writing. The world is adequately explained without over informing, the main character is interesting, and the fighting is detailed as well as realistic.

  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix4 years ago

    Very interesting story. Well written, detailed but doesn’t overshare, and very immersive. It avoids white room syndrome and the world building is well done. Introducing the characters is also not forced and done smoothly without seeming awkward. The elements fit in with each other and create a well written story. Some of the chapters are quite long though, and it can cause you to lose your attention span. I’d recommend cutting the chapters down and seperating the scenes so it doesn’t seem climped together.

  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix4 years ago

    Very interesting story and plot, though slightly generic. The new terminology is kind of difficult to understand. The time skip is awkward and confusing. He got stabbed in the chest, right? How is he still an “angel?” Also, the fight scene is kind of unrealistic, even for supernatural beings. Any hit, whether it’s getting stabbed or being slammed against a wall will elicit some type of reaction of pain.

  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix4 years ago

    This story really isn’t that great. There are a lot of spelling and grammar errors, making it difficult to follow the story. The main character is very generic. The story undershares information on the world, and there’s nothing to make me sympathize for the main character or her family. I quickly lost interest by the middle of the first chapter because of the lack of detail and the “white-room syndrome.”

  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix4 years ago

    I actually really love this. The story is interesting and the happenings of the world are intriguing. The caps are a bit cliche and there are some grammatical errors, but aside from that, this book has a lot of potentials. Would love to see how the powers are expanded on.

  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix4 years ago

    Look, I only read the first chapter so take whatever I saw with a grain of salt. The plot and storyline are very generic. Nothing stands out in this book. The text messages are cliche. The description of who I'm guessing is the main love interest is very hard to read, too wordy, and cringe.

  • ominouslyomenix
    ominouslyomenix4 years ago

    Interesting story and plot. Spends a bit too much time and effort into describing the appearances of the characters. Some continuity issues, grammatical and spelling errors. This book has the potential to become a great story if done correctly.