

2020-11-28 เข้าร่วมแล้วPhilippines









  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Hexmonkey_2020

    I will expand upon this on the second volume, but basically, all seraphim (Mid-tier angels) have different weapons because they're like upper management. Lower angels (Cherubs like Cupids or normal angels under a Garrison leader) have Angel Blades.

    Do you all remember that fight scene at the season 13 finale episode where Alt-Michael and Lucifer, at full strength, face off, as is intended by the Apocalypse, and they just hover and push each other off? What the fuck was that? So, I'll be buffing them up. Expect super strength, speed, ability to destroy a city with the might of their full grace (Like they promised to do with Uriel in in Season 4, Episode 7). Also, different forms of Angel blades because it's cool to have an Angel Sword or Angel Spear, or Angel Bow, or Angel Pistol, though, they're going to be rare.
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Brutish


    Currently, he had written about two seasons' worth of memories, as well as the personalities and abilities of every relevant character during Erik Kripke's era. In fact, one of his priorities was to make contact with either Bobby Singer or Ellen Harvelle. Both being a connective hub to a whole slew of hunters, broke hunters to be exact.
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Brutish

    Gordon's character is one of extreme prejudice. He's bloodthirsty, sure, but he's also obsessed with killing supernatural creatures because he thinks that he's right. Irwin, as you can read further, will use that obsession to further his goals. Like keeping a leashed dog that bites a lot. I hope that dog analogy isn't racist.

    Quest Description: A war is coming. The likes of which none have seen before. Luckily for you, the Greythornes have more than enough resources to tide over the oncoming storm. It is now up to you to use that resources to turn the tide of battle into your favor! But, first, like any other faction, you must have soldiers. Those that are capable, cunning, and, most importantly, trustworthy.
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Brutish

    There was an episode where Sam and Dean blessed toilet water and dunked an FBI agent's head on it to exorcise him. So... kinda

    "I'm, uh, Father Elias. Your boss, Richard, called me here to bless... the pipes." Father Elias said the last part with hesitation, a light blush on his cheeks.
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Audoneus7

    I was actually going for Scorpion's Get Over Here, what with the flames. So I'm thinking of adding spikes on the flaming whip when it gets upgraded again

    Although he had gained another flame-based spell, albeit a stationary one, he hoped that once Flaming Whip would gain another powerful offensive sub-effect or develop into a spell that would affect its grappling ability.
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง JustTiredOfPicking

    Just hiatus for a while 'cause of RL problem, but going strong now. Please re-read and give me your thoughts afterwards

    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง hotrod85

    Thank you! A lot of people have been giving me grief about it. Although I suppose, I should habe written it better.

    Before the boy could speak, Irwin muttered. "My name is Richard Greythorne. If you grow old and strong, look for me."
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง hotrod85

    Irwin does not drink Alcohol

    Irwin took out a can of Coca-Cola and poured a hint of the powder inside before praying to Chuck and downing the can in one shot. He gagged as the liquid entered his esophagus and his stomach, trying hard not to taste any residual liquid yet can still feel the effects of its horrid afterburn.
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง hotrod85

    That was true for the Disaster Demon from Season 1, but does not hold true for later demons. Abbadon, Crowley are some of the demon whose name they know, but have not exorcised

    "Right. A pleasure to meet you, Madkosh." He greeted in a polite tone as he eyed the demon's meatsuit.
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง hotrod85

    He did.

    "Not yet. But soon he will." Richard kept nonchalantly answering his questions while maneuvering the road. "Also, you can just say Azazel. Bitch ain't Voldemort."
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง hotrod85

    Annalize is Richard's sister. Her mother is Lady Anastasia and Archibald. She's their lovechild, kind of like an open secret in the family.

    Light laughter rang around the room as they heard Annalise's excited squeaks. Archibald, in all his righteous admonishment earlier, could not help but be astonished when she saw her lover's form. His stride nearly broke the floor as he enveloped Anastasia with a warm embrace. The sound of their clothes ruffling each other's body elicited a disgusted expression from both Annalise and Irwin.
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Solvado4566

    Thank you for that! And, yes, as soon as Irwin's finished moping, its time for revenge.

    Ch 85 Captive III
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Anonny_Anonymous

    He's not supposed to be sympathetic. He's just pathetic. The point of this chapter is that he's an arrogant bastard that doesn't make use of his abilities as well as he should have been.

    Ch 86 Between A Rock and Hard Place I
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Anonny_Anonymous

    Well, you can't have a hero's journey withiout death and rebirth. I suppose it might be nonsense to you, but just bear with me in the next few chapters.

    Ch 83 Captive I
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง AlexVv_Gamer

    Yes, but its been implied that the two-Anastaisa and Archibald-were having an extra-marital relationship.

    Light laughter rang around the room as they heard Annalise's excited squeaks. Archibald, in all his righteous admonishment earlier, could not help but be astonished when she saw her lover's form. His stride nearly broke the floor as he enveloped Anastasia with a warm embrace. The sound of their clothes ruffling each other's body elicited a disgusted expression from both Annalise and Irwin.
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Zarracki

    Absolutely, as do most of the cops that I have met. Even if they're loud mouthed and prejudiced, as soon as they see that is from upper management or some type of fed. They're polite, but detached. Like they're in robocop mode. But the specific cop in this fanfic certainly did not have that censor.

    Deputy Gillham widened his eyes in shock before yelling back. "Shut your fucking mouth before I arrest your black ass! Maybe the bitch just ran away, we don't fuckig deal with that shit."
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง MaskofSloth

    What do you mean? Is there something that's not been written properly?

    Ch 82 Banana Republic XI
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Zarracki

    Oh, yeah. for sure. Even if they dont get fired, its a mark on their jacket. But its not like the 'FBI' agent will report them or the circus who is about to go out of business will.

    Deputy Gillham widened his eyes in shock before yelling back. "Shut your fucking mouth before I arrest your black ass! Maybe the bitch just ran away, we don't fuckig deal with that shit."
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Markus_Thacker

    Yeah I know. I don't write that anymore past chapter 20 so bear with me and give it a chance!

    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm
  • Millan_Grimm
    ตอบกลับถึง Anonny_Anonymous

    Hope that answers your question. also, sorry about the typo. I am replying on mobile.

    Ch 81 Banana Republic X
    Supernatural: The Great Hunter System
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Millan_Grimm