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I thought he was at 100/150 before? Shouldn’t he have leveled up to 3 if he got 72 xp?
Great Story love the concept, execution is really good. Hope author continues!
This story has got to be my favourite Fanfiction ever, love the chapter! Hope to see more soon!
I wonder what his next scenario will be cause the way this story seems to be going and the suffering the mc seems to be going through constantly I’m expecting it to be Berserk or Jujutsu Kaisen
So like are ages actually ever mentioned in this story? Like is Marnie over 18? Idk any reincarnator that seems to be getting with anyone under the age of 18 just seems screwed up to me.
I just burst out laughing reading this, oh ignorance really is bliss
If I remember correctly Warframes and Gates aren’t made by humans so they’re ruled out.
Good story, not worth paying for every chapter. If there was an option to just spend like 5-10 bucks and unlock all current chapters then I’d keep reading, but I’m too impatient to wait for one free chapter a day and I’m not spending over 20$ on around 100 chapters. I’d probably spend 20$ on unlocking all current and future chapters but that’s not really an option.
Liked it but not enough to spend money on it or wait three days until I can unlock a new chapter. If WebNovel had an option of watching an ad or two every unlocked chapter I’d probably be down.
Considering the fact that midoriya was systematically bullied, beaten, and discouraged from the age of four I’m surprised he even managed to hold onto his dream of becoming a hero. Imagine ten years of being constantly told that you’re worthless and that your dreams can’t be accomplished. Now imagine a child going through that. The vast majority of suicides from bullying happen to those who are both older than him and have been bullied for a shorter amount of time as well, I think he shows plenty of mental strength from that alone. The fact that it was done from someone he considers his best friend is even worse…