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It is easier than you can think, actually There's numerous things that can turn the process easier, like LLVM(one of the principal C compilers) Turning it into a good, general and complex language can be a challange tho
she was forgotten in the OG
Oh... so he's a virgin
Good chapter Post the next now!!!!!
Lmao, the mc literally cries for literally no reason when he sees a Navi dies, like, why does he cares? He did not spend time with them, he did not had the time to get feelings for them, so why the hell he cares? I mean, he CRIED, if he did just dislikes the humans killing Navi, it can be understandable, but unlike the MC of the OG movie, he didn't get the character development to feel this much sadness about them. He even don't know much of them besides their language, and he starts talking "the spirit is with you smth" like 4 times, WHERE DID YOU LEARNED THE F**KIN CULTURE OF THEM??? YOU EVEN DON'T SPEAK PROPERLY THEIR IDIOM???????!?!?? And even if he learned about their culture or some "off cam BS", it isn't his culture, he didn't lived it for a while with the Navi's, he SHOULD NOT care about their culture when he didn't spend time LIVING it. But still, this is a good novel, well written besides this bullshit of him caring much without ANY reason(yes it pissed me off) I recommend this novel to the guys that are wanting an Avatar ff, it is pretty decent, but i'm out
Stop this POV every 5 seconds pls
This is pretty decent, but has a lot lf things that isn't natural. Like, on the third chapter he awakes on a room and the maid that was calling him was "fangirling", when he just did NOTHING. Not to say abt the princess giving him an room with literal no reason. This is simply unreal. She is a princess, she can't just invite a stranger just because she was curious abt who are him. Specially because he is too strong and unknown, more and more reasons to not INVITE a possibly KINGDOM FUCKER.
It was a question that he will answer in the next chapters, he doesn't know too much what he gonna do at all
He'll not be a villain neither an hero, he just will be himself, like, if he wants to do something, he'll just do, and has no reason at all to not be friend of Goku, also, he'll not act passively just for the cannon can be what he remembers, he'll live his life without caring about it too much
Also, thank you for the review! 🥰