of reading
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He forgot to use the argument that the souls chosen was from people evel enough to deserve the punishment.
a Major would be demoted to a Captain. most army officer ranking starts at 2ed Lt , 1st Lt, Captain, Major,Lt Colonel, Colonel, Lt General, Major General, General
it should read "not get away from" this means you have to do something. "not get away with" means you can't do something.
this is the start of the series. it all tied into mws and mvs.
price not prize
The authors misuse of prize and price is irritating. Here it is from Webster's dictionary. prize 1 of 5 noun (1) ˈprīz Synonyms of prize 1 : something offered or striven for in competition or in contests of chance also : premium sense 1d something exceptionally desirable. price 1 of 2 noun ˈprīs Synonyms of price 1 a : the amount of money given or set as consideration for the sale of a specified thing b : the quantity of one thing that is exchanged or demanded in barter or sale for another 2 : the cost at which something is obtained … the price of freedom is restraint … —J. Irwin Miller 3 : the terms for the sake of which something is done or undertaken: such as a : an amount sufficient to bribe one believed every man had his price b : a reward for the apprehension or death of a person an outlaw with a price on his head 4 archaic : value, worth price 2 of 2 verb priced; pricing transitive verb 1. : to set a price on 2 : to find out the price of 3 : to drive by raising prices excessively priced themselves out of the market
this is always strong
no that would be Audax semper.
This is just a repeat of 348.
the part of the arrow that sets on the bow string is called the nock.the proper word here would be nocked not notched.