


My name is Gina María Paredes Cornejo and I am 40 years old. I was born in Guayaquil - Ecuador on July 20, 1980. I have always liked writing because it is a gift that I have kept hidden for years and

2020-11-09 เข้าร่วมแล้วEcuador






    VULCANO3 years ago

    Most of the story focuses on school, where a group of friends will learn what true first love is and what it entails. Together, they will have to face a series of problems that will appear throughout history. Love in this story hurts a lot.

    VULCANO3 years ago

    Most of the story focuses on school, where a group of friends will learn what true first love is and what it entails. Together, they will have to face a series of problems that will appear throughout history. Love in this story hurts a lot.

    VULCANO3 years ago
    ตอบกลับถึง Ava_Smith_3039

    Ava_Smith_3039 Posted Hey, I'm Ava Smith, (Insta: @avagoodnovel), interested in offering you an official publishing opportunity. If interested, please email me with the link to your book and social media contact at- avagoodnovel@gmail.com YOUTH LOVE / Chapter 1 7 days ago I am interested in everything that you offering to me and thank you. Link: https://inkstone.webnovel.com/novels/view/18593440405248905?targetTab=published WORDPRESS: https://josedaviddotblog.wordpress.com/2021/09/25/youth-love-2/

    VULCANO3 years ago
    ตอบกลับถึง Ava_Smith_3039

    Good afternoon, how have you been? I hope it´s Ok and yes, I am interested.

    VULCANO4 years ago

    REVENGE OF THE WITCHES Well, you thought that, with the eight stories, the terror that my family and I have experienced had ended. The truth is that there is much to tell and I do not know if the following stories would freeze the skin of all of you; But, it completely froze me hearing those stories. You will believe that my family and I have lived and experienced enough terror in our lives to continue to experience more terror. Well, the worst is yet to come, and this event happened to my great-great-grandmother, when she was fifteen years old. Before I tell this story, I will tell you a little about the events that led up to that fateful moment. The story is as follows: “It was 1396, the century in which witches got along perfectly with people who had no powers and they with witches. The friendship relationship was so strong and close that they invited the witches to all the events that they organized themselves, important or not, and they were also part of the city council. On the other hand, the witches also invited them to all the events that they organized and taught them how to do some magic. People who had no powers were in awe of those classes, they could not believe how wonderful that world was. In addition, witches loved, and adored children and they were capable of doing the impossible so that nothing bad happened to them. Whenever they were in trouble, the witches would come to their aid and save them from any problem and they, as a thank you, gave them food, cake and much of their time, they were for the witches. But, as was the custom, there were negative, bad, selfish, and wicked people who could not bear that such a union existed. The last names of those people are Van Der Woodsen and Vreeland. And they, if they were bad and could not bear that people get along well with each other; much less, that they got along perfectly with witches. They, as evil as they were, had to find a way to make enemies with the witches, regardless of who they would harm but, they never thought about the consequences of their actions. The first thing they could do to make them antagonize the witches is, kidnap the children and tell everyone that the witches have them kidnapped. At first, they did not believe them; but, little by little and distorting the truth, they managed to make people turn away from the witches and begin to suspect them, as they had not done before. As much as the witches tried to explain them by saying that they had not kidnapped anyone, they did not believe them and began to curse them, and regret having met them. The witches, hurt and saddened by the treatment they had received from those who were once their friends, decided to lock themselves in their home and not allow anyone to enter or leave, until further notice. As the weeks went by, things started to get worse for the witches. Everything bad that happened to them, they began to say that it was the witches' fault and that, out of shame, they did not want to leave the house. Things got worse, when they tried to burn down the house, with the witches inside the house. For the good luck of the witches, they had under their house, a bunker and there they hid, until the people calm down. The moment the witches came out of the bunker, they looked with extreme care as their house had been, they noticed that they had not only burned the house; but also, they entered and destroyed everything they had, including things of value. From the pain and sadness, they had felt, they now felt immense hatred towards them, for being daring to enter their house, only to destroy everything that they had carefully cared for all that time. The witches said the following: "The day will come when you repent for all the damage you have caused us and it will be too late, because we will not be there to listen to you." After saying that, they returned to lock themselves in their house and put all kinds of security, so that no one could enter, to hurt them. Every week that passed, something bad happened and as usual, they did nothing but blame the witches, for everything bad. From inside their homes, the witches said the following: “In the not-too-distant future, we will come back to life and take revenge on their offspring; but, in the worst possible way and they will pay for the damage that you have caused us, until now" Several weeks passed and no one had heard anything about witches; far from it, they knew if they were alive or dead. But something good had happened and that is, the children appeared. When the relatives asked where they were, they said they were abducted by the Van Der Woodsen Family and by the Vreeland Family. The people, ashamed and not knowing how to react, froze, because they remembered all the damage they had caused to the witches and they had no fault in this. On the other hand, they remembered what the witches had told them and felt that it was too late to ask for forgiveness. Without wasting any more time, they decided to go directly to the witches' house and get them to forgive them but, their surprise was so great, when they saw that the doors did not have locks and the same happened with the windows. When they entered the house, they were shocked to see that the witches were dead. They knew that the witches, would fulfill their promise to take revenge on the descendants of each one of them and that they would not be alive to warn them of the danger that would come to them. It took a few centuries for the witches to come back to life, so that they could fulfill their promise of revenge. It was 1520, the year in which there was already talk of kings and queens, conquests, and war. Despite that, at that time, everything was apparently normal, and nothing was out of control and most importantly, everyone got along with each other. But there is always an exception and this exception is the two families: The Van Der Woodsen and the Vreelands. They did not get along with people with limited economic resources, because for them, people who have money and power, are everything, if they really want to be someone in life. There is also the fact that they are millionaires but, they do not do any social work; far from it, they help others. They want you to help them but, they do not like to help anyone and also, they are too arrogant and arrogant. They boast of their social standing, the mansions they have, the countries they have visited, and the best schools, colleges, and universities they have attended. On the outside, the members of both families are the perfection of human beings; but, inside, they are completely empty and do not know how to fill that emptiness. They thought that being lustful people, they would feel that sensation of fullness that they had not felt but, it was not like that, because the more lustful they are, the emptier they felt. Both families committed all the capital sins, to have the fame and fortune that they have but, they felt emptier and always wanted more. While everyone was happy for the life they had, the Van Der Woodsen and the Vreelands, did not feel that way and wanted more and more; so, they thought of killing, to satisfy that emptiness they felt. No matter how many people they killed, they could not fill the void they still felt for any reason. They decided to put a stop to their desire to satisfy themselves, so as not to arouse suspicion. But it was too late, because people knew about those savage acts, the only thing they needed to have the whole puzzle assembled is to find out who the murderers are and the reasons that led them to do it. They decided to put the cases on hold, until they had those responsible for those acts and locked them up for life. The police and all the people who were living in and around Ipswich, began to have a quiet life, because the wave of murders had stopped. They enjoyed life and the tranquility that it breathed and the company of people, without forgetting those heinous crimes. What no one knew is that, outside of Ipswich, someone had revived all the witches, whether they are good or bad. The reason why they revived them is so that they fulfill their oath of vengeance and the person or entity that had revived the witches was VALAK. "I revived them, for you to take revenge on humanity, for what they did to you two centuries ago," VALAK said, as they gave all the witches additional powers to carry out their plan of revenge. "Thank you very much VALAK, for these wonderful gifts," said Mirna, happy to have come back to life. "They can count on the four horsemen of the apocalypse, with Leviathan, who can help them causing tsunami and with Agares, who would help them cause earthquakes, with myself and with our Lord, Satan, who would help them unconditionally," VALAK concluded, while he built some houses and gave the witches everything they needed, for their revenge. The witches, happy and moved by VALAK's kindness, decided to start their plan of revenge now, remembering that the worst would be for the entire Van Der Woodsen family and for the Vreelands. Immediately after VALAK left, the witches began to put together their revenge plan and the first thing they did is revive the four horsemen of the apocalypse and the four beasts who are: Greece, Rome, Babylon, and Medo-Persia. They decided to revive them first, to work as a team, sowing terror in humanity. Just the four horsemen of the apocalypse and the four beasts came back to life, they were told to sow terror in humanity, especially in Ipswich - Massachusetts. Meanwhile, in Ipswich, everything was apparently calm, and they had not had any kind of setback but, the things and the life of each one of them, were about to change and in a radical way. Every two weeks, the people who lived in Ipswich, organized an important party or event to raise money to help others and all collaborated in this noble work. The only ones who did not participate in this noble work are the Van Der Woodsen and the Vreelands, because it seemed to them an insolence and disrespect that they do that, when they should think about how to make them earn more money. While everyone was at the party, dancing and having fun, both the Van Der Woodsens and the Vreelands, who stayed in the house, were going to experience true terror. Both families were calm and happy, watching a program on television or playing cards, which put all that aside when they saw two shadows in the distance. As these two shadows were, far from the house of the two families, neither has been able to recognize the two figures. Without thinking twice, the men of each family decided to go out and go directly to where the two shadows were, to distinguish them. When they got closer, they saw that they were a rider on a white horse, who represented the pestilence, and a beast, called Greece. Greece is a four-headed animal. Both their heads and their body are of a leopard and their wings are those of an eagle. The men of both families, seeing those monsters, decided to fight; but, in vain, because the beast, Greece, began to eat each one of them one by one and the men who managed to survive, the pestilence rider, cast the curse on them that is equal to a zombie. They returned to their respective homes, not knowing that, with them, they had the curse of pestilence. It took them exactly an hour to tell them everything that had happened and yet they could not believe that all of this had happened. After they managed to calm down, they decided to wait until tomorrow, to arrange the respective funeral arrangements for each of them but, that would never happen, because another more heartbreaking event was about to occur. It was daylight and when their wives woke up, they immediately smelled a disgusting smell that they did not know where it came from. But, when they turned their heads to see how their husbands were, they saw something they had never seen before: they saw how the skin was gradually shed from their body and that they no longer had hair. The more they moved, the more the skin peeled off their body and they could not take it anymore and began to scream. The men, before the frightful cry of the women, decided that it was time to wake up; But when they did, they were shocked. On their side of the bed, they saw quite a bit of blood. When they tried to get out of bed, they noticed that they no longer had skin and that his genitals were about to fall off. Horrified, they could not take it anymore and decided to take their own lives, before seeing how, little by little, they began to die slowly but surely. At all times, the women did not stop screaming, making the rest of the family wake up to the heartbreaking screams. When they reached the main rooms, they saw that horrible and disgusting picture. Some vomited from the disgust they had felt at seeing all this and others were shocked. The survivors of both families, instead of repenting for all the damage they had caused and for being too arrogant, they did not regret anything and what they did is, wait until it is night, take their corpse and throw them into the sea. Until night came, they had no choice but to stay home. The neighbors, seeing that they had not left the house, decided to go to their respective houses to see what had happened. When they arrived, they noticed that they were at home, because they saw the parked cars; so, they decided to ring, and no one answered. They waited for an hour and no one was leaning out or approaching the door, it was as if there was really no one. After waiting an hour and in vain, they decided to leave but, worried because they did not know anything about them. It was eight o'clock at night when they took the bodies out of the house and drove to the sea. Once they had reached that place, they threw the bodies and returned to their respective homes and decided never to speak about it. What none of them knew is that things for them were going to change drastically and become more and more terrifying and frightening. The next day, the rest of the members of both families arrived and were happy for that meeting. It took them all day and much of the night to bring them up to date on everything that had happened. "We can't believe that all of this happened in such a short time," one of them had said. "They were right to throw them into the sea," one of the Van Der Woodsen family had said. "You have to claim their insurance, before the bank takes that," one of the members of the Vreeland Family had said. They all agreed with all this and had decided that, tomorrow, they would do all this; but that same night, they would get another surprise. They were heated by the conversation they had started, but they did not realize that a black horseman and one of the four beasts were about to arrive at the Van Der Woodsen family home; meanwhile, a yellow rider and another of the beasts was about to arrive at the Vreeland house. Both the black horse and rider represent hunger and one of the beasts is Rome. Rome is a dragon with ten horns, and it devoured and crumbled and trampled the leftovers with its feet. On the other hand, both the rider and the yellow horse represent death and the beast that accompanied him is Babylon. Babylon is a lion with golden eagle wings and kills just like a normal lion; But, this beast is much stronger than a normal lion. The two families went to their respective homes, not suspecting what was about to happen. As soon as they arrived at their respective homes, the ladies of the two families began to shed their skin and hair, in front of the rest of their family. The other members of both families started running around the house, incredulous at what they were seeing. And not only was that happening; but also, they saw the two horsemen of the apocalypse with the two beasts. They remained paralyzed and not knowing what to do, while they saw that picture of terror. And not only was that happening; but they also saw two more horsemen appear with their respective beasts. One of those riders was a rider on a white horse, who represented the pestilence and the beast, called Greece. Greece is a four-headed animal. Both their heads and their body are of a leopard and their wings are those of an eagle. Finally, they saw a fourth horseman approaching with his respective beast. That fourth horseman and his horse are red who represented death while the fourth beast is Medo - Persia. Within seconds, the four horsemen with the four beasts were already outside the two houses and ready to attack the two families. Before attacking them, the two witches appeared and said the following: “We swore to take revenge, centuries ago for all the people who hurt us and their respective families, they did us the worst damage and it is something that we will never forget. Before everything bad happened to us, we were good, and we got along with everything; until their respective families hurt us and it is something that we have not been able to forget. You are going to receive the worst of punishments, for what your ancestors did to us" Before the witches gave the order to attack them, my great-great-grandmother appeared. The witches, seeing her, were shocked; especially, Mirna, because Mirna is the ancestor of my great-great-grandmother. "I am your great-grandmother, and I am a witch, and you are also a witch like me and both the Van Der Woodsen Family and the Vreeland Family did a lot of harm to each of us and for no reason at all," Mirna told her. My great-great-grandmother was shocked, after hearing that terrible truth and the truth is that she did not know what to do. The witches, to prove to my great-great-grandmother that they were telling her the truth, did something for her to see the past. The more he saw it, the more they believed them, and he no longer had any doubt that the witches had told him the truth. At that moment, my great-great-grandmother, decided to help them take revenge on each one of them and began with the two families who there were no survivors. The way they died was so terrifying and heartbreaking that, no matter how hard I tried to explain, I would not know how. One by one, family by family, they began to pay for what their ancestors had done and the people who survived took refuge in my family's house. My great-grandmother and all the witches began to laugh when they saw that they had nowhere to flee, because they were surrounded by the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the four beasts, by Agares, Leviathan, Can Cerberus, VALAK, Belphegor and Mammon and for all the undead. Simply a signal from the witch Mirna was enough to begin the attack on all the survivors. Can Cerberus begin to eat everyone as much as he could, Agares, Belphegor and Mammon, they simply split them in half and the undead began to eat them. Every death there was, my great-grandmother and the witches, put them in the carriage of death, to take them to hell. Tired of waiting for everyone to die, they decided to set it on fire, with the survivors and the undead inside the house. And a soul that left the house, a soul that was put in the carriage of death, to be taken directly to hell. When all that was over, everyone thanked my great-great-grandmother for help, and they all went to hell.

    VULCANO4 years ago

    What will happen when you discover that the Devil has the ability to get out of his prison and be in our planet with us? What will happen when you have to face the real evil and you do not have any clue how to face them?

    VULCANO4 years ago

    Those situations happen nowadays and we do not have any clue what to do about it. What will happen when your best friend becomes your soul mate? What will happen when you discover that life is not what you expected?

    VULCANO4 years ago

    What if the dream house hides the most terrible of secrets? What if the ghosts can't rest in peace and end up inhabiting the house forever? Can ghosts have eternal rest or will they roam the Earth and haunt all who can? This is what they will discover in these exciting chapters, in which they must fight fiercely against true evil and defeat them. Soon, my next book will be ready called: "THE CHILDREN OF GOOD AND EVIL"

    VULCANO4 years ago

    Nowadays, we have this intern battle between what is right and what is wrong and we have to keep our faith in GOD and forget to have seconds thoughts about it. If we continue to deny that Satan exists, the power that he is going to have will be gigantic and he will have enough power to be here on Earth and walk among us. What if our decisions lead us down the wrong paths and when we want to go back, it will be too late? This is what this group of people must answer throughout history. This is a fight between good and evil; but, within ourselves.

    VULCANO4 years ago

    Those kind os stories happens in our days and we don´t know what can we do to stop them and to put and end women´s death. We, as a women, have our rights and nobody would decide for us.[img=recommend]


This book talks about how, because of this Society, gays have to hide who they really are and pretend something they will never be. In a Society full of prejudices, criticism and self-centeredness, where same-sex love is not well seen; far from it, transvestites, two forbidden and forbidden loves are born, who will have to overcome obstacles if they want to be together. It is a single story in which its protagonists have to overcome many obstacles if they want to be happy. One of the obstacles they have to overcome is the approval of their respective families and friends of their sexual preferences. On the one hand, parents are obsessed with having male children, to continue with the male lineage and for their children to give them more males. These parents, as they are raised in the old fashioned way, do not accept having homosexual children or lesbian daughters because, for them, it is the worst aberration and humiliation they have ever felt and experienced and before telling the truth, they prefer to deny that they are their children. The other obstacle they have to overcome is friends. These friends were raised with the strong conviction that there is only love between man and woman and that there is no love of the same sex because that is an aberration and goes against the word of God. Finally, there is a third obstacle and it is the Society itself and its prejudices that only point to all those who do not strictly follow the rules already imposed. What would happen when your children fall in love with people of the same sex? How many obstacles will they have to go through to be happy? Can love be stronger than the obstacles they have to overcome?

VULCANO · สมจริง
18 Chs


NOVEMBER 25, IS THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF NON-ABUSE OF WOMEN, and it is the day that every woman must take to the streets to defend our rights and be respected. This book talks about the consequences of living with an abuser and having no idea what our rights are as women. This book talks about all the ways men deceive women into believing something that will never be. They are beasts, disguised as meek sheep, when inside they are predators. They present themselves to their future victims as "Prince Charming", or "The perfect man"; until they achieve their objectives, one of them is, marrying their victims and that is when they show their true face and nature, which are predatory beasts without any feelings. From meek sheep, they become these cannibals, thirsty for new blood and hungry for power who are capable of committing all kinds of monstrosities, to commit their objective and that objective is "Power" and to shout loudly, how proud they feel they have achieved their goals. They also want and wish to highlight with this cannibalism, that they are cannibalistic macho and proud of it. Every November 25, the day of non-mistreatment of women and the International Day for the elimination of violence against women is celebrated and commemorated and through this book, I wish to make a strong appeal to women who, should not to allow himself to be mistreated, humiliated, beaten and raped by any man. We must learn to say "NO" to mistreatment, abuse, beatings and rape, by them, and we must also know when to say "Up to here", "Enough!", "No more", "It was enough" or as Lorena Gallo ex Bobbitt did to John Bobbitt who, tired of that vicious cycle of beatings, mistreatment, humiliation and rape, cut off her husband's penis, in self-defense. We must have a perfect idea that if there is a life after that hell and that life, it will always be much better, if we know how to live it. Finally, we should not be part of a number of women who are underground, due to the mistreatment of us.

VULCANO · ย้อนยุค
22 Chs




In a world ruled by vampires, werewolves, and witches, a forbidden love is born that must overcome many obstacles to be happy, and they will have to stop ambition, greed, enmity, and the murderers of both clans and seek peace between them. Mei-Ling is a vampire, who was born into royalty. After the death of their parents and their respective wives, immediately their brothers, are part of the Council of the Elder Vampires. To maintain peace in her kingdom, Mei-Ling must find a husband, who will help her not only rule; but also, keep the peace in his clan and the clan of the werewolves. But Mei-Ling's suitors are all ambitious and greedy, and the only purpose they have for marrying the princess is to subdue the vampires and exterminate the werewolves. In a celebration of honor, that the vampires will give in honor of the family of Mei Ling and her brothers Zhou Xu, Jan'Er, and Mei-Ling must choose her husband. None of the suitors managed to attract the attention of the princess; until, in the middle of the ballroom, he sees Huan Guangzong, a strange man, who managed to attract the attention of the princess, and immediately, they will begin to feel that inexplicable connection that will guide them to true love. Who will be that strange man who managed to get Mei Ling's attention? What will your intentions be? Will Zhou Xu, Jan'Er, and Mei-Ling really find out how their parents died? Will they be able to find the murderer or murderers of their entire family before it is too late? Will they manage to discover the true intentions of Mei Ling's suitors? Will Huan Guangzong and Mei Ling be immensely happy? A forbidden love, many secrets and betrayals, and several unsolved murders.

VULCANO · สมัยใหม่
21 Chs