

2020-10-21 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal







  • Skywalker_42
    ตอบกลับถึง Zomvenom

    Song: Come and Get Your Love - Redbone.Hes's probably remembering the first scenes of Guardians of the Galaxy

    However, for him, who had crossed over from another world, it was another unforgettable image that slowly floated in his mind.
    Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · iRedX43
  • Skywalker_42

    Yeah, I'm gonna have to stop after just the prologue and less than half of a chapter.The author is racist and an incel, half of the prologue is him ranting about how ugly the mcu actresses are (he's clearly going to stay single for the rest of his life), and the other is him ranting at hiw bad the infinity saga is.And furthermore in the first half of chapter 1 he already uses the n word

    ภาพยนตร์ · Sieras28
  • Skywalker_42

    I think the theory that makes the most sense, at least for me, is that these words (nitwit, blubber, oddment and tweak) are actually how the resident of each house would describe the students of the other houses:Ravenclaws who are all really smart, think that everyone else not in their house is a nitwit (a silly or foolish person);Slytherins, who are almost all purebloods am traditionalists, think everyone else is an oddment {a remnant or part of something, typically left over from a larger piece or set [the rest/not as important as them the (slytherins)]};Gryffindors, who are all brave and courageous, think that everyone else is a coward and useless lumps of blubber (to cry in a noisy way like a child);While those in Hufflepuff,who will take anyone, think that the others deserve a tweak for being so close-minded, or need to be tweaked into being more accetptable.

    Rigel assists with the explantation, addressing the headmaster's sudden choice of nonsense words. "I heard that the words he said were the names of some of the house elves that work here at Hogwarts. There's no way even Dumbledore can cook or summon all this food windlessly."
    Born of a Star (HP FanFic)
    ภาพยนตร์ · Ravven2769
  • Skywalker_42


    It was like whoever made that schedule wanted to make the Professors life miserable. Harry didn't miss the obvious glares Longbottom and Malfoy were sending at each other, that's not mentioning Ron Weasley even calling Harry a slimy snake when they hadn't even talked to each other yet.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · athass_prkr
  • Skywalker_42

    Warning for furure readers: All the MC does is scream, he screams everytime everywhere, he's like a little child throwing a tantrum

    Supernatural: I am Hades
    ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์ · Alexmorgan
  • Skywalker_42
    ตอบกลับถึง Skywalker_42


    'It felt so surreal to be in the Wizarding world and witness magic. I can't wait to try doing it myself but can't yet. I don't exactly know how the trace works, is it in the wand or my magic?', I briefly considered location like if magic is done near my vicinity they will consider me responsible, in fact, that's what happened when Dobby levitated the cake but blame went to Harry. But I rejected this theory as in Wizarding households people do magic all the time near underage wizards.
    HP: Life in Hogwarts ( SI OC)
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · Decima99
  • Skywalker_42

    But that would be the whole point wouldn't it? Harry was blamed for what dobby did because he was the only one capable of doing magic in that house (and he was underage(and already at Hogwarts)). In a wizarding household there are adults who are allowed to do magic, therefore, as they wouldn't have any proof of underag usage of magic, the ministry would assume that whatever magic happens in there was done by an adult. That is, for an example, why Hermione was able to perform magic while at the diagon alley.

    'It felt so surreal to be in the Wizarding world and witness magic. I can't wait to try doing it myself but can't yet. I don't exactly know how the trace works, is it in the wand or my magic?', I briefly considered location like if magic is done near my vicinity they will consider me responsible, in fact, that's what happened when Dobby levitated the cake but blame went to Harry. But I rejected this theory as in Wizarding households people do magic all the time near underage wizards.
    HP: Life in Hogwarts ( SI OC)
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · Decima99
  • Skywalker_42

    Gossiper dies after half-told gossip

    Colt took a deep breath and recounted what had happened in the last few days.
    My Hollywood System
    ภาพยนตร์ · DreamThree
  • Skywalker_42
    Winking towards the two, Merlin disappeared from the Vermilion Estate in a puff of flower petals before their mother and Acier saw him, although the petals in the air were a dead giveaway. The downsides of being a showoff.
    Omni Magic in Black Clover
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Suploly
  • Skywalker_42

    The story is extremely good, and I'm loving it. But it has some major issues that haven't been fixed yet and if it weren't for them this would be a five stars review. At the time I'm writing this review I'm on chapter 21/20 called plotting, and the thing that is really pissing me off is the REPEATED CHAPTERS. 10 and 11, 16 and 17, 18 and 19, those are all repeated and those are only the ones until the point I've read. It would be kind of passable it were some filler chapters with not so much stuff but THEY AREN'T. Chapter 11 is titled something like “war part 1” and when you read it [the title] you get the impression “oh the start of the war, that should be a really important chapter” well not really, seeing as it's just a repetition of the previous chapter, when that happened I was like “well I don't like the fact that I'll be missing something on the story, but this type of thing happens sometimes” so I let it pass, as the only thing showing that I had really missed a chapter was the repeated chapter itself, and went on reading the story. And then I arrive at chapter 17, and it's the exact same as chapter 16, chapter which {SPOILER ALERT} said in the endnote that “the Titans would only get kicked out of Olympus if they did something to jeopardize it”, and chapter 17 said all the same things (not just the endnote) so I was like “maybe the author wrote what should be this chapter [17] on the next one [18]” and when you get to the next chapter {SPOILER ALERT} it reads on the first line “It has been 20 years since the Titans were banished from Olympus”, and I was like “okaay I didn't read that part of the story”. At the end of chapter 18 {SPOILER ALERT}, Hades is thinking about how he needs to go to the next meeting on Olympus. Chapter 19 called “Meetings” and guess what it is about. . . If you guessed the meeting on Olympus and Hades meeting his nieces and nephews (which I was really hoping to read), then I'm sorry to tell you but your wrong, it's the same chapter as 18. Then chapter 20 it's a poll which the author expected everyone to type in the comments which of the options they preferred, the same author that completely ignored the comments on the repeated chapters and seemed to never re-read a chapter after it was posted. And the worst of it all is that at the end of the chapters, it says “edited by (insert name that I don't remember at the moment because this review is getting too big)” and every time I see that I question on if the supposed editor is really editing at all, if there really is one. And if there really is, I question if they are just f***ing with the author by sending the last chapter as if it was the new one edited, and the dumb author who doesn't reads it again to check it posts it like that. I'm really thinking of dropping this story considering that all those chapters I've talked were put here more than 2 years ago according to the chapter list, and the last update was more than a year ago, which makes me think the author themself has dropped it. Thank you for reading my rambling.

    Minecraft Player reborn as a God
    ย้อนยุค · v29
  • Skywalker_42

    Does Slade even know what David's powers are?

    "No," Batman shook his head. "He won't kidnap you. When Slade wants something, someone, he prefers the arrangement to be a willing one. Meaning he will try to change you, just enough for you to see in him, not a monster, but an opportunity."
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · CORNBRINGER
  • Skywalker_42

    i think one of the most underrated spell to be used in a duel is silencio

    I could now cast all of the spells I have learned at Hogwarts perfectly, my favorite so far is Confringo, Diffindo, Avis I can use this spell to combat the killing curse since they are birds therefore solid objects I also like to pair the spell with Engorgio, Incendio, and Serpensortia I figured out I'm still a parseltongue so this spell is perfect for me and again I can link it with Engorgio. Of course, I also enjoy the protego spell but since I have a complete mastery of it I've been trying to make variations.
    Harry Potter: Wanted
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · Booggie