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Correction 4 times just different title for the 4th. Now I’m kinda disappointed. Can I get a refund for the chapters if it happens 5+? Please fix author
Confused… the same chapter word for word was realeased 3 times in a row…
It was a great read til around chapter 250. After that it’s like the author forgot the title of the novel and what was mentioned previously. I can let small things slide like gender mix ups and name mix ups here n there slip. But adding content that wasn’t even discussed in previous chapters and making it seem like it’s important is really stupid. Go back and rewrite the novel from beginning with a new title if your gonna do that. Seriously it went from goddess secretly gave me triplets to twins so fast and poor mengmeng was forgotten. Bring back Mengmeng! Poor baby :(
The story is good, it starts off a bit slow but around chapter 10 it starts to kick it up. The reason I say writing is low, is the author needs to use spell check or proof read the work. I’m 48 chapters in and there is so many spelling/grammar issues that takes me a second to decipher their intentions. They also have several areas where they forget what was mention in last chapter or even at beginning of current chapter making contradictory statements, for example they mention the MC was unconscious for nearly 24 hours and half a chapter later that 24 hours has been changed to an hour. All in all it’s a good read, just need to take some time and decipher the author’s intentions for the story. Hopefully this will be seen by author and they can adjust some in the future as it is a great story so far and I want to see it improve and continue.
It is a headache to follow, the character gets skills like crazy and the author details them so much. The word count is 90% “skill acquired blah blah blah” best suggestion to author is simplify it more or risk losing readers. So far 78 chapters in and I feel like I’ve only read maybe 10 chapters of world and story, the rest is just filler for word count. Literally getting headaches just reading the chapters with all the annoying skill developments.
The story was really good at beginning, it still is good however translation did change around ch. 480 I believe and I’v continued reading. The translastion is still easy to decipher just sometimes messes up the pronouns for characters which does get annoying. The biggest issue I have is not exactly racism but definitely the “my country is superior” attitude the author has. Which is not a terrible thing in reality it’s great to be patriotic and feel that way. But the author lays it on thick so it does ruin some of the enjoyment when reading and there is a whole chapter laying out the corruptness of a country that you may live in or have strong ties to. But still a great read keeps things interesting. Would like to see less country shaming because we all know that the countries that are implied here are not the only ones who have dark past and corrupt political standings but the author is free to do what they wish in their own work. So all in all I would suggest reading but keep open mind and just focus on the story and let it flow do not get hung up on the author’s prejudice as it will sour your mood a lot. But the story is still good so far.
Really started strong was a great read but after about 480 chapters or so the translation changed the names of people, places, and skills. So instead of being able to read and enjoy like I used to, I now have to re-read each paragraph to make sure that I translate the translation with the old names that you are used to. So in honest opinion if you want to read this novel be ready for a huge let down before it ends and have to do some translations yourself. And message to the author going forward. Don’t change your translator mid story it is horrible to the readers who have been with you for a long time.
Definitely a long read but well worth it. Not gonna lie I really hope there will be a sequel somehow even if it is only a short one. But still a perfect ending if there isn’t a follow up.
I started reading this as a break from the many other novels I’m currently reading obsessively. I knew it was completed and thought it is very short compared to the other novels. There were many typos and confusing times but the story progressed greatly til the last 70 or so chapters I started feeling like it was going downhill reading the authors comments I can understand now why it went down. I just hope that the author will return to this with new and fresh ideas that will reignite my desire to continue this story. The author managed to leave it off at a good spot where you are both sad and expectant of the return of Ichiro. So to the author I hope someday hopefully soon you will get the inspiration needed to continue this journey that has greatly surprised me.