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It would be good if the author would do better at not mixing up dialog between people when more than one is present. the smut itself is 70% incomprehensible gibberish that makes my head heart. also, names are confusing I can't even remember his girlfriend's name when reading because of jumbled words.
lol I think this guy means that if 2 MC's exist they would always end up as enemies and kill one another... like one would want what the other had or one would feel slighted by the other... I mean in a wolf pack you can't have more than one alfa... they would end up fighting and the loser would be a beta.
I wanted to like this novel I really did but the Yuri element is too strong in this because if any of those girls like Jaune romantically and then go's for other girls romantically leaves a bad taste in my mouth like NTR dos... in fact It kinda seems that this author may have a fetish for a clueless MC that gets the interest of girls but instead of the girls being romantic with the MC she go's and picks up a girl instead... so far more romance has been between girls then the MC! I understand the author wants to add fluff and make the story more happy-go-lucky but the author seems to be focusing on the story of the girls rather than the story of the MC and at this point I almost forgot about the point of the story.
thanks, bro dogged a bullet...
it would probably be better if he joined because he would have more protection with a Duke family influence then nothing at all... besides the whole thing about slavery is kinda dumb when it comes to joining Rise's peerage... since he can predict how he would be treated. so all and all think of it like would you rather catch a ride in a limo or walk like a bum and get mugged by other factions's
wouldn't his perfect memory skill nullify his hollowing drawback? I mean since his aspect was downgraded there should have either been compensation or a lesser drawback?
is this your first time finishing a novel?
Bro making everyone antagonistic toward the MC and having him have dumb mood swings toward others is just a bad plot. Plus adding OC females when he's a weak chump gives him more trouble with the OOC Rias.
Bro, if you're going to post an MTL, at least proofread it first to ensure that sentences make sense at least half the time. Just copy and paste garbage on Webnovel, cluttering the feed of updated Fic's.
Great work so far. I just hope Kaya doesn't join the Marins like in a similar fic, which was kinda non-sensical and seemed like a betrail even tho she was still fixated on the MC.