of reading
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200ish wouldve been more appropiate i believe
sigh... chinumbawan
Goru Goru No Mi. Goro Goro thats enel's fruit
Helping out . Wondering where will it go. Its certainly hot. Onward coomer brother, you can do it. ########################################################
I really like it. Recommended. 1¹1111111²ueuwuw728282828282w61627w728282882
isnt lubu halberd called sky piercer?
Was hoping ave wouldnt make that choice
Escellent, I hope i can see a proper end to this story. Thanks for bringing it over to webnovel. aa aaa aaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa -+
So far i love the story, keep up the amazing work mate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for the story, despite the rush I still quite enjoyed it:) --- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------