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He did worse to China. Crippled Chinese export trade. Blacklisted advanced chips and raised tarrifs in almost everything worth trading. Biden took it to the next level and destroyed china's biggest partner russia Then Trump came back and finished China off. Multinational companies leaving. Chinese Billionares and millionaires leaving Manufacturing companies left for Vietnam and India. Chinese students abroad are getting rejected from universities
And yeah it is good throughout
I don't want to ruin it for you. Another show with an interesting premise "being human."
The non stop "world building" has ruined this novel. It is so bloated I can't justify spending money on it anymore
she still came back to T dawg. Don't call me T dawg. Professor Mosby is more like it. The writers of the show ruined it. Victoria was the one. Have you watched severance yet?
I honestly thought you had a point to make. you still haven't said anything. First of all this is not a successful AU. The author just started. Secondly, there are AU fanfictions everywhere.. there are literal websites dedicated to millions fanfictions and almost all of them are bad let alone successful. anyway, since you are incapable of making a compelling argument let's just agree to disagree.
Nothing better to read
I am critiquing a work of fiction, while you are critiquing my "bitchiness". Why not critique my looks, height and lack of money while you are at it. After feeling better, you are most welcome to get back at me with something of substance.
you haven't refuted anything I said. But I appreciate your strong feelings
That is not what AU means.. personally I hate AU. they are cheap and lazy forms of story telling in my not so humble opinion. In tiers of serious writers.. there is AU at the very bottom, fanfiction, then original novels. anybody can write sh*ty AU. what if Naruto was a girl. what if Orochimaru was Jesus. what if the author stopped trying to ruin this again with a cheap AU (okay Ina ll fairness that is the oly AU i will read. An AU about the author not trying to take dumb shortcuts) anyway that just my opinion. And since the author doesn't care about the integrity of the story how about making levi 6 feet blue eyed with 4 arms and an eye patch. Oh and make some titans gay too.