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Honestly, would be better without the demon ROB. Especially since he doesn’t play any purpose other than to subvert the usual start to a reincarnation fanfic. This whole thing could have started with chapter 3 as chapter 1, and it would lose nothing other than skipping over the sadistic demon and oddly moronic angel. With the MC having no memories of it, the first two chapters serve no purpose at all.
You have to. Not making The Dark Knight would be foolish, unless he plans to move that to the next phase? That wouldn’t be a bad plan, make the Dark Knight the first Batman after Justice League and avoid the dumpster fire that was Iron Man 3. Wonder who the villain would be? Ledger all the way for the Joker though. No one can out do him, at least not anyone I’ve seen yet. Either find a way to save him, or just have this worlds version of Ledger not have the issues that led to his death. Great chapter!
If Harry wanted to succeed that badly, he would have. Ron didn’t hold him back, Harry just wasn’t interested in being the straight A student. Even when he and Ron weren’t talking, he didn’t suddenly become as interested in his grades as Hermione. Neville also wasn’t a great student, and wasn’t anymore interested in school than Ron was. I would also argue that Harry surpassed his parents, being even more brilliant in Defense Against the Dark Arts than his father was at Transfiguration or his mother was at Charms.
If you are saying he isn’t claiming to be Santa Clause, well he doesn’t really have to. His kid will do it for him. Charlie will brag about his dad being Santa Clause and that will be all they need.
What claim? The original comment said “OC ex-wife” I’m just saying they aren’t OC. If it’s referring to the story author not claiming that this comes from “The Santa Clause” movie with Tim Allen, that’s just obvious. Same characters, same plot, everything is the same. No claim needed, it’s obvious.
So you skipped the entire fight, the only thing that this chapter should have been about? That’s a massive let down.
I would have understood wanting to stay with his friends a lot more than the actual reasoning. The real reason makes him seem like a giant douche.
She’s not OC. The Ex-wife is an actual character in the Santa Clause movie, which is the basis for most of this. And she did take legal action to prevent Scott from seeing his son in the movie, because a grown man deciding to suddenly look like, and claim to be, Santa Clause is actually pretty concerning.
Well that just ruined the story. Say goodbye to any sense of suspense, risk, or consequences. Your MC is now officially a snobby rich kid. It doesn’t matter what Lun does, daddy Akatosh will fix it!
I do get that, some good unga bunga is always some good fun! I think the reason there are so many mage fics is because they much like me, can’t imagine waking up in a world where magic is real and anyone can learn it, and just not learning magic. Seriously, learning magic would be the very first thing I would want to do in Skyrim!