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well that's an assumption that i have everything planned out. I don't know if there will be a battle of hogwarts neither does the mc, but why would he risk it.
It's a sprinting exercise. Where you have to run at full speed and turn around quickly, the distance getting further and further apart, it's good for cardio and agility.
I answered this question before. the Basilisk had to die or be removed from the equation. can you imagine the battle of hogwarts with the Basilisk still around.
well there is the theroy that the Basilisk couldn't kill anybody actually and riddle killed myrtle with the killing curse after she was petrified, because he was worried she saw him. which kind of makes sense, but its only a theroy and there's no proof in that.
An idea I had as well, but two factors. The sword of Gryffindor being imbued with the basilisk's powers makes it powerful enough to kill Horcrux, and if the basilisk doesn't die, then it's there at the Battle of Hogwarts.
We don't know much about the attacks that happened in Riddles's time at Hogwarts, apart from Myrtle dying and him framing Hagrid. But they say Attacks plural when Tom is talking to headmaster Dippet, so it is safe to assume that there were petrifications in Riddle's year.
croakcoa is what chocolate frogs are 70% made from. fun fact.
you never yelled at a book in frustration.?
read the authors note at end of chapter