


Just a woman chasing stars on her way to the moon :) *Even in darkness, you can still bask in the light. For the stars shine brightest at midnight.* -Naijei

2020-01-26 JoinedUnited States



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The Cold & Ruthless Queen

THIS NOVEL CONTAINS R-18 CONTENT (this is original work not a translation) Anai’ya is a cunning, cold-blooded leader of an underground organization whose number one goal is too destroy one man. The man who drowned her in pain and misery. As her story unravels she discovers that not only has her life been a lie but what she thought she had was never actually hers. Her ability to love has died, happiness eludes her as she dives into the dark murky waters of revenge. Will she ever be able to love again? Will she ever be able to hold on to happiness? Will she choose the light over the darkness? ***EXCERPT*** She knelt down in front of two tall black marble tombstones. Placing red roses in front of the right one and sunflowers on the left one she sat down on the neatly trimmed grass. "It's been a while since I've been here. I know I haven't been checking in as much as I use too and I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?" She asked in a guilty voice. Her hand reached out to caress the rose petals in front of the grave. "I finally have all the pieces I need to enact my plan. That's why I have been absent for so long but I now have everything I need to collect the debt that's owed to us. That's owed to you both." her voice cracked at the end.” Pain and sorrow evident on her face. "I will avenge you both. I won't let those who took you from this world, from Lucian and me, live peacefully. I promise they will be punished. I swear that on my life. I just hope you can forgive me for all the evil I've committed to get here and have yet to commit to finally avenge you." Anai'ya promised as wave of melancholy washed over her. Looking at the two portraits in front of her, her stone heart began to ache with inexplicable pain. She stood up closing her eyes as fat tears threatened to fall. Taking a deep breath she opened her light amber eyes to look up at the sky and released her breath. "I'll be back Mom and Dad. I'll visit as much as I can." She turned on her heels and slowly walked back towards her car. Gazing up at the light blue sky as she did so, she clenched her hands into tight fists. Her amber eyes flashed with a cold light as she stopped for a moment and looked back at the graves behind her. She'd bleed him dry if it was the last thing she did. She'd bleed them all to the last drop because that's what they deserved. That's what he deserved. She would return all the pain inflicted on her family tenfold. There was no line she wouldn't cross to achieve her goal. The interest had accumulated and it was time to collect. Her brother suffered physical torment. Her parents were killed in cold blood. Her life was turned inside out. She was marred for life. She hardly resembled a human being because of it. The monster inside her was raging and ready to come out, the cage she had kept it in was collapsing. They had no idea what was coming.

Naijei · Urban
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43 Chs