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I am sorry to hear that, I know I put a few bad reviews on some of your earlier works but I can see that you're getting better at writing. Though I don't like the whole AI thing, it is a tool and you can use it I just wish that you paraphrase it more to give it a "human touch", and I never thought of you as lazy, knowing that writing stories is hard work AI or no AI
Author, I want you to know that I am a fan, and I love your work, but I wish that you don't write more fanfics of vastly different genres. I know and am confident that you can write more chapters, that writing it is easy, but not because you can write more doesn't mean that you should. I would recommend taking more breaks, giving time for your mental health, and improving the quality of your narratives than quality. I know that as a creator it feels satisfying to write your ideas into paper but as you are writing it in a "novel-like" format some depth, future planning, and quality checks are important. From my readings of your work, most people complain that you're relying too much on AI writing, and personally I think that it's true, but if you give more of your time to write the chapters itself and only let AI fix a few grammatical issues then your writing will reach a new level. Additionally, if you really want to write your ideas into paper then I would recommend writing one-shots or short stories rather than long form novels. But of course, these are all just my opinions and you can do as you please. Take care author, I'll keep on supporting you until I can't no more. Toodles and happy writing
It's one of the best pieces of fanfiction I have ever read. In my opinion the character designs, though not "perfect", are above average, you can clearly see that the author thought deeply about what they are, their characteristics, their desires, and such. For example, the mc had depth, his not too edgy, not too smart, not too prideful, but also not stupid and humble, his complex in a way that is refreshing. However, some characters are a bit too cliche to say the least, not that cliche is bad but it's a bit boring and predictable, take the case of Yuna. Aside from the character designs, I am loving the writing quality, again it's not the best but it's above average. Though it's not too heavy on AI writing but you can clearly feel it. AI writing is a good tool but it flushes out a lot of the color from the narrative and makes it a bit bland to read. Hopefully, the author can make it so that his words are used more often than the AI's. Lastly, the world background. I like how it's fanfiction but it doesn't base off any source material, like the world is original and the only thing that makes the story fanfiction is the games the mc takes "inspiration" from. Although it's good, I can't feel, relate, or imagine the world that the author is creating. It has the potential to be great, I would like to know more about the hunters, the monsters that roam the world, how it happened, when it happened, what are political factions, and such. I know it's a bit much to ask for a more flushed out world, but since it's not based on any source material the story needs a deeper emphasis on the world background to better understand the narrative, like why are hunters important, why are developers important, what does being a hunter or developer entail, how does the law interact with them, how does politics work, etc., and these topics need to be explored and not just scattered in bits across a paragraph or two, or be footnote. Overall, the story is good, the characters are great, the writing is good, but it needs a bit more improvement to be called the best.
I personally never heard of it, but if writing it makes you happy then do it.
To be honest, this is one of the best fanfics I've read so far. Good job author, keep it up
Ah thanks, maybe I misread it during his "recruitment".
I like the sound of Blastoise Brigade
If I remember correctly, Gin's potential was already at Silver?
Thank you very much
Overall the story is inconsistent and forced, for example mc being able to be invulnerable to bullets and a few chapters later, his not. Additionally it is heavily dependent on AI, worst the writing is bad.