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No thats me out, its just too messed up
Story gets even more stupid, i'm done
I wish the story would just skip ahead too when Soar is 21, I think I will drop the story if it takes 100-200 chapters before he finally turns 21.
I hope Wolfy doesn't become a total creep and start hitting on his mother in law's
Please dial back Wolfs Dragon ego, it making him unlikeable, what I liked most about this book Was Wolf was just a normal person put into a crazy new world. But his ego now is so annoying, people who name and constantly talk about their jung are dbags of the highest order
How do you have Lady games in a World with Systems and magic which completely negates the strength differences between men and women?
He should end his relationship with Klein now, will only be worse later when she finds another man
sorry then, as your Jewish nothing wrong with it
is it Netori ? it sounds like it is from the plot description in chp 1, will his ex be with other guys?
did he not make any preperations, no traps, nothing, was he just planning an hiding, he a dungeon ffs