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  • AlexSky
    AlexSky9 months ago

    Thanks for the chapter! Travel between reality is possible now, he will grow in power, might and character as a conqueror, he could travel to worlds like the God of War eventualy theres many pantheons there with many Powers, resources , and knowlodge.

  • AlexSky
    AlexSkya year ago

    Author I like this fic and understand the main Focus is to be a Wizard but the worlds like Star Trek , Rick and morty, Dr Who there Tech, knowlodge and Resources for infinity clean energy, and matter and energy conversion, transmutation and If he travel tô this worlds and gather the Data he could do Anything even in magic, magic Is energy of supernatural Nature that can chance, alter, manipulate, create and Destroy aspects of existence And the flash they create a artificial speed force with thawnes notes and Atlantis Tech, infinity energy generator The MC could create pocket dimensions with the laws he wants where the time dont flow, where only exist Infinity sources of energy to be harness by him in his Soul Dimension Image a Orb with Pocket Dimension with only energy inside and another Orb inside and another and so on and so forth to infinity that IS CRAZY right!!!

  • AlexSky
    AlexSky4 years ago
    Replied to Daichi_TBR193

    Ok but If the MC becomes powerfull Enough a existence beyond of time and Space he can do whatever he wanted like a True God, If you dont want tô create paradox Go to MCU get the infinity Stones they combined Give Night-ominpotence Just a theory he can use the Reality Gem that IS basicaly like Dragon Balls use to remove hes limitations and use hes Copy Skill to Copy the Night-ominpotence many times The Ultimate Infinity Kryptonian God or The New ROB or Your New Boss!!!

  • AlexSky
    AlexSky4 years ago

    You travel to the past for what? Impersonate Aquaman? When u speak time travel I think u could Go to the War on Earth of Old Gods vs New Gods, Save Old Krypton and relocate in another Place Or Go to When Dr Manhattan is create and get hes place in the machine get the Power, Even travel to the Future and Get all the Knowledge Possible!!!

  • AlexSky
    AlexSky4 years ago

    Thanks for the chapter Author in the chap when the MC travel to Shonen Jump you speak of tree sisters? What world is? Later Broly is gonna Jump into DC or Marvel to get usefull things like Doomsday genes he has infinity evolution and adaptation !

  • AlexSky
    AlexSky4 years ago

    Hi author this Fic is good and all but when the Reincarnated in Supernatural TV is coming back???

  • AlexSky
    AlexSky4 years ago

    So author u follow my Idea as base and create your Canon Nice!!! I dont know why but I am seeing in the future moments of father and son combos of Smite with epic frases! Zeus- father lets Smite somebody!!! I image the scene of Kratos and atreus combo vs baldur final fight as the perfect descripton but with more thunder and finger snaps!!!

  • AlexSky
    AlexSky4 years ago

    Author you could write that in a Flashback Chap Michael in hes Rage in the War leak the Demiurgus energy and when pass in the universe, planets and cósmic energys Give birth tô New Divine Beings!!! When Michael meet the later Generation of Gods like Zeus Gaea could appear and explain that he is her Father that was called by the Gods as Chaos for in the echo of hes Fury that Cross the universe Chaos follow and give birth to the Gods!!!

  • AlexSky
    AlexSky4 years ago
    Replied to Samael_Son_of_Dawn

    Nice If u need inspiration Go to YouTube search palpatine unlimited Power scene of Star Wars movies always gives New ideas watching that shit!!! Imagination and Inspiration is always the Key!!!

  • AlexSky
    AlexSky4 years ago

    Author I was reading again the Chap Where Samael become a nephalem and start to think Archangel, angels are Divine beings right, the Pagan Gods are Divine beings to that draw they Power of faith energy, but Archangel are Superior as they Power dont depend of anything but that give me a Idea If a Archangel and a Pagan God have a child the combination that gonna be born is of New Divine Being a New Generation of Gods more powerfull than any Archangel, with the hability to absorb faith energy without depend on It so they Power could always grow without limit!!! If Jack born from lúcifer that is the second strongest Archangel and a normal human with a Power level of Mid-Tier Night-ominpotence. The Combination of Michael with Dean body and a Strong Goddess like Artemis could have a child with Power of Highest-Tier omnipotentence or in the same level of Chuck and Amara. For what the serie show a nephalem is much stronger than they Angel parent I think is relate with the human soul power that constant multiple the Power of the Angel Grace until the child is born! Think about this possibility Gabriel and Kali could be a Nice match! But Michael in Dean body and Artemis is like Hunters for the Win they could make a New Pantheon of New Gods and rule everything!!!