Loves reading good stories
She's just as bad as her parents, I mean, did she or the others even ask him if he wanted to be engaged to her?
*She has clearly...
She didn't know his thought processes back when they were still in 'contact', and yet now she thinks she'll understand him after she hasn't seen him for years. It's as if she thinks people can't change and grow. He has clearly never heard of the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover".
Honestly, these people are so used to being in control that they can't leave anyone well enough alone, can they?
The MC can very well make his own choices.
Not to be nitpicking, but your description of Snape at the end was incomplete. I think the word professor or master disappeared from behind the word Potions.
Hair has shifted in color over time. I myself was extremely blonde when I was younger and my natural hair is now closer to brown. You could just say that her hair begins to change or she could possible play it off as hairdye for a while?