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Ah, yeah definitely misunderstood there. Yeah, they can definitely bond on a deeper level. Which is kind of shown via the original few battle gimmicks. Mega, Battle Bond, and Z-moves all involved being in-sync and sharing life energy between Trainer and Pokemon, and if you weren't at that level it would fail or cause pain to the Pokemon in question.
Yeah pretty sure in fandom one of the Dumbledore's is a goat fucker (Pretty sure that is Aberforth) while the other is just gay (Albus).
First, yes in a sexual way. That cannot be denied as it is canon. As for the two coming from the same origin. That isn't confirmed, but implied. It was said that at one point in time, there was not a difference between humans and Pokemon. Which could equate to a few things. That said even with the revel of the hidden world building that GameFreak keeps locked away behind closed doors we don't know which of the creation myths they are working under... we can eliminate some due to the info we get from Arceus' plates in PLA. In which confirms Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina were not the first beings after Arceus in existence... but that there were Titans in which Arceus defeated. So that leaves the creation myth in which there was a Titan God, a Pokemon God (Arceus), and a Human God. It also leaves the creation myth where we are children of Palkia, The one where the Titans in question were fragments of Arceus Egg. etc etc.
Bit late, but nah it was confirmed to be not the hacked employee.
Damn, I was hoping the thud was Draco's face.
Don't do it! It is a trap!
Psychic Immunity is not Magic Immunity... Surprise!
... I do have an attraction to an aged up Hermione... her name is Emma Watson and she is currently 34... Surprise... You say that like remaining attracted to the same person as they get older is strange. It isn't.... but thanks for proving my point. You couldn't engage with the point. You didn't understand the words you were using. So instead of coming with any counterpoint to back up your own view. You instead call me a pointless name... because you don't want your flawed world view shattered and you can't some to terms with being wrong. Grats your as bad a the people running around calling everyone a nazi and facist because they don't agree with them and can't back up their own points.