Rebirth: Unsuccessful Mentor
Aron Clark: The Unsuccessful Mentor.
A Genius Scientist.
Aron Clark was the Leading Climate Change Researcher in the Whole World. Till 2020, that is. He had predicted at the doom of Earth if humans continued our shenanigans at the current rate, Earth would be doomed by 2300 in most of the countries and wrote many theses on how to prevent that. But, After a certain Dumb President had 'fired' his department of researchers, he did not have the access to the super computers and other equipments. He couldn't predict accurately anymore. He started writing reports on the internet as a hobby. He had enough money to live for the rest of his life. But somewhere in his heart, he wanted to work.
The government started enforcing various projects which, even without his level of intellect, he could predict that it would bring the Doom Day nearer.
He tried to spread the information to as many people as possible. He tried to reach as many people as possible. All for a naught. Most didn't listen. Some did listen but were brainwashed by the Government. All the blogs he wrote were removed. His I/P address was banned. His bank accounts were seized. He was arrested on the charge of:
[ Crime: 1st Grade Treason ]
[ Details: Spreading blasphemous information, attempting to bring huge losses to the nation ]
[ Punishment: Execution by Electric Chair ]
Read the story to learn more.
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