


just a dreamer

2019-06-14 เข้าร่วมแล้วIndonesia







  • Nakakure

    dang that hurt.

    "—That is no longer the case." I interrupted him, the red glowing eyes of the helmet glaring at the boy with disappointment. His smile froze with confusion settling in as I pulled the weapon away and rested it against my shoulder. "I never had a clear answer if this weapon had a spirit or was just hardwired to be only wielded by Setanta, those sharing his blood and Scáthach — that old witch never bothered answering my question. It was always, 'dodge', 'fight', or 'grow a fucking pair, you little shit!' with that woman. When you appeared and it reacted, I started leaning more toward the former. Though you know what's funny? Along the course of this conversation, the reaction started to diminish and your last outburst there made it turn silent." 
    My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · NimtheWriter
  • Nakakure
    ตอบกลับถึง MustafaMahmood

    ah you mean the one that gets her husband killed by Cu then Cu decides to sleep with her.

    Before I could say anything, the small clay model was snatched from my grasp by Scáthach. "Oho, this is quite nice!" The women oblivious to the two devils' reaction behind me carefully inspected the model as if it were a toy. "Hoh, you made her look so cold, she reminds me of my daughter. I like it!" Without saying anything else, she kept it and walked out of the class.
    My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · NimtheWriter
  • Nakakure


    "Uuh, Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Why him!? This isn't fair!" The boys and even some girls cried, leaving the class slumping on the desk with lifeless eyes and broken hearts. 
    My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · NimtheWriter
  • Nakakure

    yes I definitely knew it was an illusion when Sacred gear didn't come out😅

    Ch 86 Chapter 85.5: Omake 1
    My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · NimtheWriter
  • Nakakure

    poor guy

    Ch 85 Chapter 85: Ane?
    My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · NimtheWriter
  • Nakakure

    I can see that happen

    With the rapid changes occurring within the Tower, the investigation into the Po Bidau Family was making very slow progress. All anyone knew for certain was that Gustang had been the one to set off the explosion, but, no matter how much they looked into it, they were unable to understand his motives. This led to some speculating that Vahn had somehow gained control over him during their brief encounter on the 113th Floor, but, with very little evidence supporting this claim, others began to believe that Gustang had experienced a mental breakdown after seeing his ex-wife and daughter among the women following Vahn.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure
    ตอบกลับถึง Asura_Vajra

    hmm does that mean they are immune to Issei weird ability

    With a very subtle blush coloring her cheeks, more from embarrassment than anything else, the woman, Yvonne, promptly tapped the bracelet on her wrist. This caused a pale-blue light to flash across her body, instantaneously changing her attire to something more suitable. At the same time, she unequipped the top Vahn had crafted for her, a rather unique garment that was enchanted with a function that allowed female wearers to effectively store their breasts in a sub-dimensional space. While this might seem like a useless function in the eyes of some, it was a godsend for women with large breasts who enjoyed manual labor and physical exertion. After all, unless you were performing a 'very specific' kind of exertion, large breasts, more often than not, just got in the way.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure
    ตอบกลับถึง GreatNerdBeard


    Nodding his head in response, Vahn began to descend towards the flaming palace, his voice calm and steady as he explained, "Some might consider me an irredeemable womanizer but I can safely state I have never stolen the heart of someone who has dedicated themselves to another. I've come pretty close on a number of occasions, but, during each of those instances, the person whose heart they had dedicated themselves to was already dead..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure

    heh, well. you got new experience buddy

    Without losing his smile, Eduan shifted his gaze away from Mikoto, the horizon reflected in his eyes as he softly mused, "I wonder if this is what heartbreak feels like..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure


    Though he had willingly followed Jahad, Eduan refused to bow to anyone or anything, the singular exception being the mother who had painstakingly raised him to be the hero of their ruined world. Thus, the moment he was forced to prostrate, his power began to increase exponentially as a desire to raise his head and overcome the golden lightning swelled within his heart.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure
    ตอบกลับถึง Kisara_Hiroto

    it is better to confess and get rejected, rather than not confess and regret for the rest of her life.

    Feeling a little sorry for the teary-eyed woman, who, as a result of her sisterly bond with Arlen, had never even tried to confess her love, Vahn's expression softened as he grasped Hana's Needle and said, "Fortunately for you, Viole was never the type of person to pass judgment onto others. Even if you were the one to commit Ilarde's atrocities, I imagine would have forgiven you. He couldn't help seeing the best in people..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure
    ตอบกลับถึง UnOrdenary

    I said Loke because Loke also has Blood aura surrounding her. we don't know her sexuality yet

    Fortunately, while the rest of her team was searching for justifications that might allow her to reside within the Little Garden, Lotte had been getting along rather splendidly with several residents of the Emerald Grove. In particular, she felt a certain kinship towards Mash, and, though their training was what some would refer to as hellish, Lotte had been having a little too much fun strengthening her body using the unique cultivation technique Vahn had bequeathed unto her. As for why he would give her such a thing, it was partly due to the sincerity she had shown after he treated her eye and removed the curse from her body. As for the actual reason, it was because the blemish on her eye and the tears she shed after the fact reminded him a lot of Hephaestus...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure
    ตอบกลับถึง Mozuto

    in case you forget Vahn's emotion affected by emotion around him, since there are a lot of negative emotions, it makes him prone to fall into negative thinking.

    Frowning deeply in response to the Law of Identity's words, the tiny seed of hatred Vahn had been nourishing towards the residents of the wall began to sprout as a sudden desire to purge the entire community welled within the back of his mind. Fortunately for them, the Law of Identity seemed to realize the misunderstanding she had caused, appearing directly in front of him to say, "Wait, wait, wait!" while waving her hands from side to side. Then, seeing him calm down a little, she released a sigh of relief before explaining, "It isn't what you're thinking. She isn't being forced to whore herself out or anything like that. She is just a little lonely. Since you aren't a face she recognizes, she thinks you're someone visiting from outside who was attracted by her beauty..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure
    ตอบกลับถึง dephunkt

    well, he is a teacher.

    Shaking his head, Vahn manifested a tablet-like display that was actually an extension of his body, stating, "You should not compare an aspect of Divinity to a system designed by a bunch of senile old fools who would compromise the integrity of their souls in the pointless pursuit of something like the origin of all things. The only meaning life has ever had is experiencing it. The only thing you will find beyond origin is the absolute nothingness represented by the concept of oblivion. Beyond that, there is only the beginning and the end. There is nothing else."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure

    no matter how many times I read this, this woman is on top of a list of people I hate very much

    Though it would have made sense for the Yeon Family to protect the Zygaena, as it was the only source of the flower representing their family, they were actually the ones to drive it near the point of extinction. More specifically, it was the Godmother of the Yeon Family, Yeon Ilarde, who tasked a number of Rankers with their destruction. She had taken offense to the fact that the flower, despite its beauty, was rather common. Her vanity didn't allow her to tolerate this, so, in order to artificially increase its rarity, she had all but one Zygaena killed.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure

    this one is worse than in Danmachi

    Despite feeling as though he was trying to justify his actions, Demeter didn't doubt that Vahn was far better than Zeus. Not only was he more powerful, but he also listened to the reasoning of others. If she had tried to convince Zeus of something, he would have either ignored her or punished her for suggesting something he hadn't thought of himself. Then, several months later, he would make the same suggestions, and, if anyone pointed out the origin of his 'wisdom', they would suffer a cruel punishment for daring to slight him.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure

    feels like the second reason is more apparent

    Hearing Arcueid's response, Amaterasu released a slightly exasperated sigh before muttering, "Both of you are too soft...the only way to prevent chaos is to either subjugate or slaughter the other Gods. Mercy will only invite future troubles and increase the amount of competition..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure

    especially if she is strong women

    Realizing he had been a little thoughtless in his behavior, Vahn released a sigh before lowing himself to the ground and saying, "Sorry. Honestly, I'm just a little nervous. It might sound a little cliche, but, no matter how much time passes, my heart still beats quickly when I'm alone with a beautiful girl. In a way, it makes me feel like I 'need' to say bold things in order to impress them..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure
    ตอบกลับถึง Mozuto

    well, I am not that despicable 😅

    Knowing he would need to deal with her sooner, rather than later, Vahn looked directly into her golden eyes, stating, "I am not Anchin, nor his reincarnation. I come from a completely different world so there is no mistaking it. I can help you to control your draconic blood, but, I will never pretend to be someone I'm not in order to pander to your delusions."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion
  • Nakakure

    well, technically because the Magi family is using a weapon that can't hide the existence of Magecraft.

    As was often the case when he spoke such words, Vahn's aura began to gradually increase, radiating outward like the warm, yet destructive, rays of Sol. This caused Musashi to lightly tap against the hilt of her katana while, still in his bed, wrapped in bandages, Shirou squinted before saying, "From what I have been able to ascertain...all of this was set in motion after someone tried to assassin...ate..."
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Einlion