

2019-05-11 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal









  • MangoSuper
    ตอบกลับถึง Ethereal062

    didn't drop, will explain in the next chapter, which will be posted later

    อื่นๆ · MangoSuper
  • MangoSuper
    ตอบกลับถึง RemovedJeans420

    Not sure why I haven't seen this reply until now but yes, as long as it utilizes magic, it will most likely exist in New Lands

    The materials used for the task also had an effect on the reward, the stronger the material the stronger the final reward will be, a claw from a dragon with make a sword much more sharper and durable than that of a normal beast's claw, the material also had a chance to impart special abilities from the creature it came from to the reward, poisonous material would likely make that reward before to deal poison damage. After find that information out, he started to think about what he wanted his reward and eventually what "class" or "job" he wanted to be, he decided to be a mage or magician just like Merlin and chose to have an orb be the object rather than a ring or staff, in merlin's book regarding a mage/magicians choice of weapon, he stated that while the latter 2 were more conductive in moving/utilizing magic, the former have the ability to hold more power and in some cases the user didn't need to be able to use mana in order to utilize it.^
    อื่นๆ · MangoSuper
  • MangoSuper
    ตอบกลับถึง draculemorningstar

    Yes absolutely. While there is a lot of original stuff, with more to come, there will definitely be a lot of other materials, I have already planned out the first world John will be traveling to and all the way to when he comes back to new lands.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2
    อื่นๆ · MangoSuper
  • MangoSuper

    Yes they named the village to Fire village, like from Naruto.

    1 year into arriving, John finally headed towards the village and found that it was occupied by people, he decided to use a magic that made him invisible and walked into the village and learned that, 1. some taskers had finished their tasks, 2. the second batch of summons had just arrived and that he was part of the 1st batch of summons, 3. there was a portal that lead to other worlds. He never revealed himself and quietly watched what happened in the village and that they had renamed the place to fire village from azure village.
    อื่นๆ · MangoSuper
  • MangoSuper

    ‘He doesn’t have a mana core so he has to gets mana from the surroundings, “pulling mana into his body” it only tempers his body to be able to use mana and not hold/contain in it within his body, so it is more like an active skill which is harder and more exhausting than a passive skill where it is just in your body ready to be used and more gentle to move, the pros is that he will most likely never ran out of mana, cons is that if the world he is in doesn’t have mana then he won’t be able to use magic. I also plan on him using different energies and some of this energies may have conflicting nature which will most likely destroy his body, while new lands have different energies co-existing, it doesn’t mean that the inhabitants are able to do the same.-Author’s note.’

    After looking through all of that information John decided to be an idiot and yoloed and choose to be a Soulmancer, trials were usually extremely hard but not impossible, even someone who hasn't finished their task and obtained their reward would be able to complete it, John already died once and chose Hell task, so why not continue down this line of hell by choosing the hardest but completable way and if he did somehow complete all trials he would be able to make the strongest orb in new lands (recorded) history, and that is what he did for the next 2 years, he decided to learn how to harness external mana (pulling mana into his body to use magic) while also learning different martial arts from Merlin's books, after that he went onto learn various basic magic and then soul magic while also reading the rest of Merlin's books.^
    อื่นๆ · MangoSuper
  • MangoSuper

    ‘Again this is only one of the many magic system out there and it just so happened that this world is able to accommodate all the different and sometimes conflicting systems. Also I will henceforth be call his and others “class” a mage, mage/magicians/wizard/sorcerer are all very interchangeable while they all have subtle and slight differences in how they wield the power they generally still do similar things, so unless it is specifically stated, I will continue to call all of them mage, example is from harry potter where they are call wizards instead. - author’s note’

    The materials used for the task also had an effect on the reward, the stronger the material the stronger the final reward will be, a claw from a dragon with make a sword much more sharper and durable than that of a normal beast's claw, the material also had a chance to impart special abilities from the creature it came from to the reward, poisonous material would likely make that reward before to deal poison damage. After find that information out, he started to think about what he wanted his reward and eventually what "class" or "job" he wanted to be, he decided to be a mage or magician just like Merlin and chose to have an orb be the object rather than a ring or staff, in merlin's book regarding a mage/magicians choice of weapon, he stated that while the latter 2 were more conductive in moving/utilizing magic, the former have the ability to hold more power and in some cases the user didn't need to be able to use mana in order to utilize it.^
    อื่นๆ · MangoSuper