The year 2112, in a modern world where all humans, creatures, beast, angels, demons and even gods were all exist and are living together in Harmony, but they were blind to know of another great War is coming in every part of their planet.
A World where magic power is everywhere, where science technology is very highly invented, where people are in the greed of power, throne and wealth.
INSIGNIA is a FORM of magical power where it appears in the eyes of a person. There are 12 FORM of INSIGNIA and each person has one form, either you have physical power, essence power, spiritual power, celestial power, gods power or Demons power. it will depend on what form of insignia you have awakened.
will you become strong and be praise by or will you become weak and be criticized?
A boy named Hwan Blaike who will change the path of the World. Will he change the world to a better or worse? Will he become the HERO or the VILLIAN?
AngHell_43 · แฟนตาซี