



2019-03-08 JoinedGlobal



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Revolt:The Fight of a Fallen Empress

It has not been that long when wars were finished and an alliance has been formed... I have become the wife of the man who stopped the war and made the other countries bow in fear as he create his empire. "My dream finally came true! Rigelle..." Emperor Harkeste says as he look down, smiling to the new country he made, full of people laughing in happiness i was happy too! No one is gonna die anymore, no one has to suffer anymore, and no one has to be afraid anymore...or so, i thought... Harkeste begun to get sick and that is when i heared of the kings, talking in secret... "I bought a beautiful prostitute from my pal that runs a slavery business. And guess what? all of the women he got are all beautiful!!!" Prostitution? Slavery?... Aren't those banded?... "Ohh! That guy! he is nice in this business! ya know what? i raised my taxes to buy things for my concubines and there were families who were unable to pay for it Ahahaha... that's when i sold those peasants to that guy and then got a lot of different merchandise from different places for my wives ahahaha..." i continued to listen and heard a more lot of illegal things they have done behind Harkeste's back... They are all planning to over throw Harkeste!!! As i listen to those horrible things they've done, i cant help but tremble and cry as i cover my mouth to prevent any sound to come out... But...i was eventually discovered and been thrown out by them. Accusing me for Adultery... I tried to deffend myself but...Harkeste wouldn't believe me at all... When i was outside, i got no place to go... I found them... The ones who secretly plans to defeat that corrupted way of rulling of those kings...

DeVulCan · แอ็กชัน
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