

2019-02-24 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal









  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง Overlord_li

    well shit didn't thought of that. .. in my defence when i made the comment i was on this chapter and this info was not mentioned but after completing the novel i can see it failing and in a really awkward wau hahaha

    “If you have tried them all but still cannot be sure, leave the suspect to our almighty God. Burn the suspect. A sorcerer would burn down to ashes, while God would protect the person safe and sound in the fire if he or she is innocent.”
    Throne of Magical Arcana
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง JosephMcknight

    it's Twilight isn't it

    "Why are the two of you looking at me?" Hao Ren frightened himself when he yelled at the two ‘mutants’. He did not expect himself to have the audacity to shout at two magnificent creatures that could easily take his life (yet his roar alone managed to stop the two from fighting). In doing so, he felt a sense of maturity thus, he was brave enough to say, "Look at yourselves. One is an idiot and the other is as stubborn as a mule! I am involved in this, okay! Can both of you not jump to conclusions and ignore what I have to say?! And also.... just think for a moment whether your actions suit your identity. When did werewolves and vampires start protecting humans with their lives? Let me, the person who’s most confused about this situation figure this out first. Then, we will sort out the misunderstandings between the both of you. Okay?"
    The Record of Unusual Creatures
    แฟนตาซี · Yuan Tong
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง Elyon

    i am AR 50 and F2P!!

    "Cleaning up the small fries isn't necessarily an easy thing. The Old Sir is just too lazy to kill them all." Barbatos, the town's blacksmith, lifted his mithril hammer. "But, I have to agree. Pounding wolf heads instead of iron ingots is a good change of pace."
    Reincarnated With The Strongest System
    แฟนตาซี · Elyon
  • Lucifer47

    its a STANDO! !

    The yellow psychic arm slowly moved up and down, tossing and turning, clenching and relaxing, performing the basic actions, "Warriors nurture a Skill at every Tier while Espers nurture a psychic arm at the same. At Tier 2, we will have 2 psychic arms, and at Tier 3, we will have 3 psychic arms. Once your Brain Crystal finishes forming, you would be able to create a psychic arm."
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง Coner_priestofoohr

    If u live in such a situation then u will adapt to it(if u are powerless to srop or change the situation) Human brain is just designed like that we are hypocrites and over only birth instinct is to survive of our own being so moral ground is just optional and can be discarded when we need to survive no matter how Morally high we were before...

    "The fate of our Academy will depend on the performance of your students. Increase their training session; do whatever you feel will increase their chances of survival. As long as they won't tarnish our reputation, use whatever method you feel plausible." The principal commanded.
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47

    1 year till 16 and induction ceremony...

    "T-That long?" Jyorta stammered, shock filling his face. His hands trembled while his mouth opened and closed, many times, unable to utter any syllables. His breath became ragged; sweat covered his forehead, drenching the bedsheet draped over him.
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง Welldressedspy

    but surely...

    Flickering Demeanour
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    Matters of Family
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง DNHELO

    it tests sweet with little balls like texture the balls are soft but not too soft and it makes an amazing sweet test than the aftertaste is also quite good than the texture of the desert makes you want yo eat one more piece untill nothing is left on the plate.

    20 minutes later, Laila's mother took another bowl, poured 5 tablespoon worth of ghee, and placed it on the stove. After the ghee melted into a liquid state, she added cashew nuts to it, stirring it once before switching off the flames. She then added it to the semolina mixture, mixing them while adding a minuscule amount of edible camphor. Once she was done, she added three portions of it into three separate cups and placed cute spoons in them.
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง Quan_Poopsalot_7217

    even grossly...

    While they were eating, the way in which Jyorta held his spoon suddenly changed. Some minute changes happened to his behaviour, giving him a slightly mature feel compared to before for a couple of seconds. He then reverted back to normal, immediately changing the posture at which he held the spoon and continued to dig through the food.
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47

    Many people think that this type of actions will induce riots but i beg to differ Just think about it in a apocalypse world where people are fighting for their lives fighting superpowered monsters what would u do there are only two options 1. Fight without Power and die 2. Fight with 16% survival rate aquired power and save many people then die I think 2nd option increases survival chances so 16% success rate is nothing problematic promote population and reproduction increase quantity of humans and then 16% survivel rate becomes meager comapred to the aurvival of city and with advancements in tech the survival ratr is also increasing.

    He then let out a self-deprecating laugh, "During the era of my grandparents, the success rates were a mere 16%. In those times, just the word Induction sent waves of fear into the hearts of everyone. If not for the military passing a rule that it was compulsory for the citizens of our city to undergo the Induction Ceremony, none would have tried it."
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง Klein_Mort

    Its not a cult its more of a way to develop loyalty(natural) towards ones country in this case the city. remember this is a apocalypse world where people sync with parasyte and die due to it so in order to show or instill ththat government cared for the well-being of the citizens and also instill this natural loyalty in people they made it mandatory from young age to Pray for your good health Pray for your Relatives Good Health Pray for the eternal standing of the city These three poimts are done regularly from young age to provide comfort to the citizens always in fear of being killed by parasytes and also instills the loyalty to city so that saving the city and oneself will come naturally to them. Of cource some extream rational people are imune to it but goverment want quantity while quality can be optional.

    9:30 AM, in an assembly hall, the students that numbered in the thousands joined their hands together and recited their prayers. Their prayers consisted of wishing good health to oneself, good health to parents, good health to family members, and the long-standing of the city.
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง JosephMcknight

    blue skin hmm could be Shiva or Vishnu my guess Vishnu who is known to be enlightened god or god of cunning and wisdom in laymen terms he is like budha but more powerful and cunning and he introduced love and its meaning to humans at least in hinduism

    "Actions, and their consequences; attachments of the material world; bonds that traverse space and time; pride, ego, happiness, and sadness, they form into layers of restrictions that weigh down your soul, your essence. That…is your Karma. Shedding them leads to enlightenment!" The man spoke, in an ethereal voice that reverberated through the bubble. Every sound wave, produced from his uttering broke some of the bangles that covered the gooey mass. After every bangle that broke, the gooey mass could move better, faster, more agile.
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง PrincessDustbunny

    its Delhi... Radio murchi 98.3FM Airs only in Delhi NCR area plus there is also NIT and other central government facilities located there. Its Delhi i am sure of it!

    Kaushik hurriedly stood up and greeted the man, performing a light bow. The man placed his hands before his chest, his back held straight, performing a very formal Namaste.
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง 1_KingFox

    This is 2021 in India...

    "Pravaha Nigam." The GPS adjusted his route and began displaying the directions. It also showed his speed of travel, the condition of traffic on the road, weather, etc. The young man switched on the FM Radio, in hopes of hearing some morning slogans.
    Psychic Parasite
    ไซไฟ · Overlord_Venus
  • Lucifer47
    ตอบกลับถึง FrostyB

    Travel through space - 2meters Travel through Time - 5-30minutes (60 if lucky) in future

    Charging the power was simple. Jiang Chen only needed to put his finger into an electric socket. Although this was not aesthetically pleasing in any way, it was perfect for getting the job done. How did he figure out? Like mentioned before, it was completely by accident.
    I have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World
    ไซไฟ · Morning Star LL
  • Lucifer47

    This actually happened once in my class. The teacher didn't liked a certain student so he wrote a question outside of our books (Maths books(Guid used to prepare for competetive exams)) The student obviously couldn't solve ot but he was a sly son of a b#tch so he ascked the teacher to solve the question. The teacher tried to ahove it off saying next time but the stustudent said that if teacher cant solve it then how can he solve it. Man Teacher was red really angry he actually deducted his marks and made him stand in sun for the entire morning in the playground... now usually things end here but that guy was a legend our final exam sheets were checked and marked by other schools so he studied hard and got 95 percent in his finals but because the teacher hated him he failed the guy in almost every exam(checked internaly) so his final score (both internals and externals are counted to make a total score) was just 70-75 percent now usually things will end here he showed the teacher off and become a legend but this guy is really stuburn and holdes grudges. so this guy complained the Board to rechack his answer sheets(internals) this is a right of people in our country(RTI Right To Information) so he applied RTI and all the answer sheets (5-6) were doug out and a panel of teachers (excluding our math teacher) re examined them and his final score was 90 percent.. The teacher was suspended for poor and biased marking... In our Final year he made a speach talking about this incident so his freind asked why did he go ao far he said that "I was humiliated first time in my life i was always a top student from before coming to this school and my favorite subject ct is maths but the teacher humiliated me and made me question my own capabilities I admit i was hanging around some questionable people but still i take pride in my Maths abilities so when he crushed this pride of mine i had to take a revenge that's all. "

    Infuriated the math teacher wrote a hard math problem she herself had difficulty solving back in her own university days. This problem was well beyond what a High School student is capable of answering.
    Adopted Soldier
    สมัยใหม่ · lynerparel
  • Lucifer47

    "tch its so easy that i don't even wanna answer this worthless question" - My words before failing Maths 2 times

    [In the Cartesian coordinate system x and y, the left and right focus of the ellipse C1:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1 (a>b>0) are F1 and F2, respectively. Where F2 is also the focal point of parabola C2:y^2=4x, point M is the intersection of C1 and C2 in the first quadrant, and |MF2|=5/3. Find the equation for C1.]
    Scholar's Advanced Technological System
    สมัยใหม่ · Morning Star LL
  • Lucifer47

    she is graceful like a swan... A swan out of rehab!

    Who cares if your IQ is high? You're still suppressed under my elegant goddess-like appearance!
    Scholar's Advanced Technological System
    สมัยใหม่ · Morning Star LL
  • Lucifer47

    i don't think there is a quantitative size of memory space of brain i thin its all about neurons firing in a pattern and the patterns are remembered as muscle memory its not stored but understood so there is no space to be filled rather the patterns are to be understood.

    The human brain was limited. It was akin to how one could not store 2TB of information into a 1TB hard drive. He was scared that the system would force his brain to store the extra information and it might destroy his brain.
    Scholar's Advanced Technological System
    สมัยใหม่ · Morning Star LL