imTHEguy WebNovel Author, World creator/destroyer, Villain birther, and Hero Molder. Welcome to the end. Strap in. It's a bumpy ride ahead.
of reading
Read books
An understandable sentiment. I moved this month, and it's been hectic, plus I started a new job, so with the move and that, I've had very little time to write. I'll get back to it soon, I swear. There should be chapters by this weekend. It was my goal to restart at least Friday.
Correct. I must have been writing too fast at the time :) I'll fix it right away
Yeah, but it was also used in old English.
Because they appear as stags. But they are androgynous beasts
Both are viable
it actually doesn't change where the arrow rest ends up, or the handle. Just adds the possibility to flip the bow up and down without issue
he's struggling because he's not killing many
magic healing power
Should already say that. My editing software likes to swap words, and I don t always triple check. I'll fix it tomorrow, thank you 😊
Phoenix, of her in game name