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She could’ve been the one to send the shadows, but I guess he won’t go there. Could be allied with Malthus and this is all an act to make him trust one of them too
Whats the use of the FML if she can’t even protect him from the first enemy they find :/. Sorry but she literally went to him with the intention of awakening his powers and she knew they would be hunted afterwards, so didnt she prepare anything? I mean, besides hoping that after a 30 seconds class the MC can solve all her problems
This could’ve been avoided if he had taken the shadow’/ hunger seriously
Prolly not only human, monsters should work too, it will be too limited otherwise, but yes, i’m a bit annoyed that he has been disregarding the process of feeding the shadow
Could be a decent novel, but it's too many names and too many things happening too fast... Xuan family annuls marriage, random girl A is sad, random guy B is annnoyed at what happened, etc... Read 3 chapters and i'm already lost, don't even know the name of the protagonist, nevermind the 7 girls he's about to marry...
Sometime novels are so baddly written that it actually makes me laugh, it’s so bad that it becomes good, that kind of thing… So after killing every1 I guess the monsters from the horde wont enter the city and kill all the civilians, I mean, sure Matthew prolly wont mind their deaths, but the soldiers who provably have family in the city? They prolly should start helping with the fight instead of chilling with Matthew.
I like this novel, I really do. But the fact that allies are always so useless is very annoying... Like some institutes just falling bcuz their leader isn't there when in truth there's prolly very few Acolytes still there since the tournament is a big event, the allied Grand Magus/Magus are always weaker than the enemies (they had like 20 Grand Magus advantage in the arena and still weren't able to tilt the scales of the battle nor win it...), Nature Grand Magus knew or found out about Zenonia's betrayal and yet went alone instead of taking more ppl with him, etc... Feels like Emery always has to do everything and 1k+ chapters deep and he's still an Acolyte getting mixed up in Grand Magus/Magus fights
Hello Author, I don’t plan on reading your novel but I’m here to give you a tip: Fix your synopsis, it’s the first contact most ppl have with your work, it shouldn’t have typos and it should flow easily, takes literally 5min to create a free account on chat gpt paste your already existing text there and ask the IA to fix your language mistakes. Ps: do delete this after reading it, tyvm and goodluck
Was fine until the premium chapters started, first big conflict of the novel, could've been solved in 10-20 different ways (vampire saves him, he gets new powers with his system, etc...), instead when he's about to die his system enters what I like to call a "MCs are immortal as long as plot armour exists mode" and gives him a temporary powerup to kill the enemies and win the fight, in my opinion that's a solution for a lazy writter, one who doesn't bother to think about the direction of his novel and only wants to write a basic novel to get some money. (not saying it's the case, but that's usually the case for most harem writters) Anyway, I didn't like the way he solved the conflict, therefore i'm dropping the novel :P
If we think about this, Alec said that if it weren't for Lathel being there he wouldn't be able to attack that globin cave, so technically nothing in there is his loot/opportunity, but sure..