The Fall and Rise of Humanity (Title In Progress)
To see if parkour was his passion he decided to first scale the nearest building. He made his way into the alley of the gym and began to scale the building. Well he tried to scale the gym. It turns out to be a lot harder than it sounds. He tried using the gutter that ran up the side of the building but it began to bend and creak after his body weight was taken off the ground. He tried reaching for handholds after standing on the dumpster, but to no avail. In fact the cracked plastic lid broke and he fell into the dumpster. He lay among the trash scraped up not even attempting to get out.
(How on earth am I supposed to jump from building to building? Why don’t any of the videos ever show how they got on top of the building in the first place? I don't think this is for me… Why can’t I just find a purpose?)
This was one of the faster realizations that this wasn’t meant to be his future or passion. He scratched out parkour from the list of possible careers. The list was getting smaller and smaller every week. The next options were hockey, jewelry making, and military service. Augus prepared to move onto the next listed choice, but he felt a disturbance. He imagined an earthquake was the cause, but instead of the earth moving the very atmosphere and sky shook with vigor.
The very fabric of reality began to tear. At this time the phenomenon was felt across the entirety of earth. This instance would be known as the fall of mankind, the great calamity, the cataclysm. It was at this point god disappeared. A tremor breached the sky as a voice rang out from the air, “I have failed you all. This is as long as I can last. Thank you for all the powers you have lent me, but it is time to return to the motherland. Your powers will return after my ending. Keep up the fight my comrades.”
This was the ending of earth. This introduced danger, hardship, and mass death. This was the return to Tera.
cass262 · แฟนตาซี