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I make it... I graduated almost 2 years ago 🔥🔥🔥
really man? thanks man... I almost fallen to the trap
I used to get bullied on elementary school and I know, altho it's hard but it should be done.
idk bruh.... even a grass can be OP here... so depends on how it'll be upgraded tho... 🤣🤣🤣
this is translated from Chinese. so not Author, but translator
is the MC that unbearable?
I almost finished reading this story from the original translator page. is it the translator who post it here or not? Btw, for the story... it is one of my least liked story from Toyka. Toyka was one of my favorite writer. for me in this story, the charm of Toyka story is missing. it feels like a real Japanese novel. with unmotivated MC, who want to save his live but he doesn't try as hard as he can to become stronger. my favorite Toyka's novel is Everyone else's is a returnee, and Infinite Dungeon Society. in those 2 story, MC is the center of the story, because they trying their best to become stronger. and the comedy is gold, many Easter egg parody, and comedy of foreshadowing. but in this story. yea... I try to read it till the end, but I can't because it's really boring.
thank you for reply. but I think I will not pick up this story again... for me it's not just 2 paragraph or so. but in my opinions that's imply about the characters feeling, the characters image, relationship's pyramid, and character development. after reading that part. I just got the feeling MC is just third wheel, not as important intheir relationship, Melene feeling for MC is weak no gratefulness and love, cause she easily have set with other (altho that's because of MC aphrodisiac, but she easily surrender). so yeah... maybe if you have another good translated novel I'll try it.
4-10jt perbulan, tergantung luck bulanan