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Uhh, so he kills a bunch of fireproof, regenerating, lava-people using explosions? I don't think that's going to work too well...
how do you get from "call the ambulance to "DON'T call the police" ?!?
why doesn't he use firebending to blowtorch cut out the chain from the wall? and then store it
The tenses in this chapter are weird. Some of the time it's present tense, some of the time it's past tense. Choose one and stick to it! Good chapter otherwise
Versatile? It has 2 canonical uses. Removing someone's ability to bend the elements. And restoring someone's ability to bend the elements. How in any possible way is that more versatile than water- or earthbending?
" Yo Aang, the next time you don't step the f-k up, I'm gonna destroy Ba Sing Se" This is what your 'Avatar State' is reduced to. Pathetic
oh wow! this fiction about Aden actually has a tiny bit of Aden in this chapter! What an unprecedented change!
I feel like it would be better if you went a bit vague, like "I have excellent chackra control" or something along those lines instead of concrete numbers
This is really weird. They shouldn't use statistics like that. It's like going up to a random guy IRL and saying "My STR is 11" . It doesn't work in a sentence like that.