Complete loner with a love for all types of novels not the half baked ideas of them which could have turned out great if they were made better, . . . please recommend me more books i'm desperate here.
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Thanks for the chapter
Yes and I’m pretty sure he said something about Tiffa having different colored eyes?
Was this a World Ends with You reference?
I’m always thinking that this is ok for story purposes but if say is true it’s just dumb and foolish since, what quirk would be good for mundane jobs that don’t need a flashy like quirk or ability when they would still have no purpose?
Reminds me of another novel on RoyalRoad I think, World Gate Online?
My thoughts go straig to Generator Rex, the talking monkey
Just thinking this reminds me of Xenoblade 3
Thanks for the chapter, and I hope your dungeon novel goes well.