Avid reader of fantasy and sci-fi novels.
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Ves can't resist causing trouble, doesn't he?
never underestimate the knife
I think it might be the Ouroburos, it's a firat class machine and an ace mech now after all.
Turning their sneaking against them! Nice to see a bit more spotlight on those two underutilised (in recent chapters) mech models.
Ves might have found a nee hobby as a whaler.
Politics are a science. You can't just run a whole bunch of people on goodwill alone, you need a prepared and proven infrastructure. These last chapters were very nicely written, conveys the ideas about the whole societal restructure very clearly.
Ahah people are pretty mad. IMO, while the pushy nature of Gloriana is gratting I kinda like it in the optics of what is to come. This reaction of hers is pretty much spot on her character and i'm interstes to see if having that child and seeing it grow will have an effect on her outlook. There is a lot of potential in this plotline, but don't expect it to get resolved in a short amount of chapters.
Very clever, it reminds me of the way the christian church assimilated the "pagan" world by integrating their old gods in a "they do exist, but below God" approach. See the fall of the viking age for example! In any case good job on the writing!