Someone that enjoys a book with a mostly lighthearted story. Dont like books that are dark just to be dark. Dont like inherent evil of people being main focus. Just want a good mental ride.
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That circumference is similar to Neptune in size Which has a surface area of 7.6 b square km Holy crap that's a lot of space
Ah you're right I didn't think about that I was thinking him lying about being capable of kids like if he expected to die or simply be incapable Kinda forgot their world is falling apart atm
He lied saying that? Does he not expect himself to life long enough to have kids? I've been reading this for a while, did I forget something? Or is that new
To me ot feels like, if she put that much effort into keeping Harry safe, she either genuinely cares about him, or he's important to her in another form. Either way, him trusting her should be pretty important to her If she were to put aside the cloak and daggers and be upfront and honest with him about her intentions instead of making him do mental gymnastics, that would go pretty far to convince him she's got his best interest at heart Neither of them are stupid So the less honesty from her end, the faster things will go badly
Idk if she's actually an enemy. I think she was testing him considering she planned to wipe his memory of the interaction Probably wants to make sure he's capable In previous chapters she seemed to genuinely care about him But yea her offering to teach Daphne does feel weird And while Daphne is desperate, she's also smart. She will probably realize it's too good to be true and be wary at best
Gathering all 3 items without subconscious intent to use them maybe had an effect?
If I was Harry, id have just stood up and left If anyone asked why I was leaving, point to Dumbledore and ask why they thought it was safe for me to be there when he'd tried to kill me and cover it up less than a year before lol Nah being anywhere near him is dangerous
Dude is yoked lol Considering how much he went to the gym I shouldn't be surprised lol
Lol super lewd Levi tan isn't really what I expected but if nothing else it's been amusing