I love to write stories and get people taken in the world I have created :))<3
of reading
Read books
... yes?
Thought I’d like Tao Xuan more by reading this prequel but nope. nada. He’s been greedy for way too long. There are other ways to gain money from team publicity and I highly doubt a championship team would lack sponsorship even though the core player doesn’t show himself. TX just wants more money & lack the creativity to think about still making money off YQ without showing his face... I mean u can do a voice reveal or have an event where a random player can play with him or w/e
This chapter's got me thinking about the novel's title. Is the King's Avatar referring to Ye Xiu being the Avatar of Su Mu Qiu? I definitely think YX's adapted some of SMQ's ways because it would make him feel like he's pursuing glory not only for himself but also his late friend.
This is making me want to cry. I have a feeling YX learned extortion in-game through association SMQ. Also that no-healer tactic T_T
I got goosebumps. Phantom Demon really does suit our baby YIfan
Then there’s YX. Played intensely against ZZ and 1v3-ed in team comp last match. Fought with SX and won this match amd he’s still pushing himself to fight in Team comp. Not to mention he’s old asfk. The man’s a Demon