

2018-01-13 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal







  • Araga

    Nice.. But why borrow 100g if it'll be 50 anyway...

    Re: Evolution Online
    แฟนตาซี · Yolohy
  • Araga

    This buddy over here is either smart or just make happy accident...

    "Do not place the Safe House underground. Damn it. This is such a trap. No lighting, no ventilation, no drainage. When the acid rain comes, staying inside will be like sheltering in a grave."
    My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!
    ไซไฟ · Catty Catty Catty
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง Malcolm_Massey

    Eh? I rarely use this app so i can't be certain.. but isn't the data about the transmigrator that reject the system isn't on this chapter? but yeah now the third possibility is gone..

    "I pay my respects to the 'Transmigrator' who has given me this opportunity. Don't worry, I won't waste it!" Ban made a mental promise to the 'Transmigrator' as well as for himself to never waste this heaven-sent opportunity.
    Almighty Summoner System
    แอคชั่น · Neil_Ads
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง Malcolm_Massey

    I think there's three possibility on why this confusion happen.. 1. Somebody comprehend this wrong 2. There's too many isekai, so many to the point of you can mix thing up by just reading more 3. There's an edit that some of us didn't know I know which one is more likely.. but i love the second possibility better lol

    "I pay my respects to the 'Transmigrator' who has given me this opportunity. Don't worry, I won't waste it!" Ban made a mental promise to the 'Transmigrator' as well as for himself to never waste this heaven-sent opportunity.
    Almighty Summoner System
    แอคชั่น · Neil_Ads
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง Tomoyuki

    I see.. I respect your opinion. But I'll give you a friendly reminder that the first look is important to hook reader in. The description and the review will make some normal reader scared to read as a novel is what author fantasy and thought that get published somewhere, so i don't know if the novel will be a hidden gem or a trainwreck if the author behave like that. So goodluck brother, hope you get what you wished for.

    Summoner Sovereign
    แฟนตาซี · Tomoyuki
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง Dinosaurcowboy

    Then you can write Biologist even though it was a stretch.. you can heal something if you understand about it and silent feet is about how you move your feet... and not many people will notice because Biologist system may not exist to begin with so people will just assume that it was new system. .

    Clara grabbed some papers from a shelf underneath the table. "Follow me, we will go to the written exam room for the first test. You will be required to answer questions on the basics of what an adventurer does, why you'd like to be one, and furthermore your system name and a brief description of what your system can do."
    Master of none
    แฟนตาซี · 1King_Rep1
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง chimauchem

    It kinda miss the point isn't it? That 50 chap filler example is just him saying that the author need to believe in his own art, the only result of author saying "This novel is bad, so go somewhere else." to every braindead comment is only inviting toxicity to the novel. Especially when troll exist, it was easy to make braindead comment and author response just encourage it more by giving reaction to stupid stuff.

    Summoner Sovereign
    แฟนตาซี · Tomoyuki
  • Araga


    At least that is what they claim to be. But in reality, they are illegal loan sharks, who charge heavy interest rates on the loans they give out. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    เกม · IGotStones
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง breadbringer

    Especially lazy people (like me) who care about it at the very begining because other is keep talking about the acne, but give up when realize that you can't stop the skin treatment or else everything will pop up again.. so it was indeed what it is

    If someone tells you that they don't care about outer beauty then they are probably lying or don't know how much of a hypocrite they are. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    เกม · IGotStones
  • Araga

    It should be closer to watermelon falling from 2nd floor though.. the juicy part of watermelon coming out if it's shell is kinda similar to brain coming out from cranium while strawberry is all juicy...

    Lucas's brain doesn't register that something is wrong until his fist is a full inch past the initial point of contact yet barely feeling any resistance. The front of his ex-murderer's skull is shattered into bloody shrapnel largely following the momentum of Lucas' fist, some of it embedding itself into the thief's brain in the brief moment before it is crushed like a strawberry being pounded by a mallet.
    Re:Sub [Go to Repost]
    สยองขวัญ · Geminel
  • Araga
    "Yeah! Where are the bananas?"
    I will be The Monkey God!
    เกม · Sixth
  • Araga

    Yeah.. it make some kind of sense... but if you have level 10 soul and level 7 body, wouldn't it make more sense to try leveling up mind once or twice? i mean if you're high level player then wont low level resources cost will be peanut compared to what he need to take daily?

    With all these variables collectively considered, it doesn't make sense for one person to cultivate all three paths."
    I Level Up By Scamming (Indefinite Hiatus)
    แฟนตาซี · OldZNO
  • Araga

    Is there a way to fail when there is no time limit? You can stall it to whenever you want right? or losing exp to the point of down leveling is the failure condition?

    Failure Penalty: ???]
    I Level Up By Scamming (Indefinite Hiatus)
    แฟนตาซี · OldZNO
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง ProfessionalWeeb

    Don't.. it was our talent...

    They were promised free housing and food during the duration of the construction, as well as good pay. Not as good as they were being paid before, but at least they would get paid instead of hiding in their homes doing nothing but eat, sleep, and shit like some poop generator.
    Supremacy Games
    ไซไฟ · MidGard
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง crimson_wyvern

    If it was still in the screening process for who can get the share of the pie then it'll be bloodbath.. but since everyone already get the slice then it should be a bit more tame as all they need to do is make the client happy...

    Supremacy Games
    ไซไฟ · MidGard
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง Just_readin

    Probably it wasn't really a sprint.. From what i got from the description, he should move like a bullet or a rocket... he launch forward by using energy explosion under his foot and do that again after he land

    At the moment Yang Ding was sprinting through a safe route. Someone who might be watching him from afar might mistake him for a shooting star on the plane of the earth.
    My System Hates Sins
    ตะวันออก · Shiny_Shirogane
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง Danyz

    i thought someone would negotiate the price with you..

    A user with the ID of UglyToTheSoul typed: "When I was seven, I caught a cicada, thinking that I had caught the whole summer. When I was 17, I kissed her face, thinking that I would stay with her forever. When I was 27, I met her again, thinking that I could reconnect with her, but she told me it cost per night..."
    I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon
    สมัยใหม่ · Blind Leek
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง AshtynKC

    That dude is the one who reject the chance no?

    "I pay my respects to the 'Transmigrator' who has given me this opportunity. Don't worry, I won't waste it!" Ban made a mental promise to the 'Transmigrator' as well as for himself to never waste this heaven-sent opportunity.
    Almighty Summoner System
    แอคชั่น · Neil_Ads
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง Masteroh

    For me it was like whole squad is in my head.. Too bad i can't play online game with them

    Chat Group For Magicians
    แฟนตาซี · Kyosei
  • Araga
    ตอบกลับถึง Toonworm

    Some novel/games love to use Light and Darkness as element.. Light is holy element and Dark is unholy element. Though it could also mean Yin and Yang or balance..

    Chat Group For Magicians
    แฟนตาซี · Kyosei