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main quest's death punishment, i could understand. sub quest tho? that's just ridiculous.
why max aptitude/talent stat gain "peerless appearance" title???
this fanfic is a mess. its a fanfic of various comic/novel/etc. I THINK, they are not really popular, or at least not "everyone" knows them (at least in the early story). the problem were, the author assume everyone knows about them, and so offer minimum to no explanations at all. making reader who know nothing about the original stories, to be confused about what actually happening. can't enjoy at all.
im totally in loss here. who is coil? who is dinah? wtf happened here? trying to enjoy the story, but cant do that since author assume everyone knows what he was talking about, and so gave minimun to no explanations.
ngl, the sentence feels weird
is this from a manga or just a meme? if its a yes, sauce please!
well, if its look big & bright, save to assume he meant him & his neighbors. i guess.
nope. total blank. honest.
wow. does teacher in japan rly given that amount? its rly big. at least from my country's standard.
i pity you guys. i only needed to pay a cut once every 2-3 months. even then, its really not that long, just enough to be annoying for me (who likes really short hair).