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I don't know how I don't know why trash propagates through the webnovel sky.OP MC solves everything and gets bitches. Not even any good scenes or the like. MC did only ever pretend once that he caredabout the rest of the world, the rest is ridiculous bullshit to make his OP ness a little less mary sue like (Didn't work at all).
Short chapters mostly full of online comment and reaction bullcrap to put even less content into as many words as possible.Author skipped how and when MC got the system, it literally starts at such a high level that MC could retire in an instant.MC is shallow, selfish and an absolute dumbass who has not even heard of common sense.In addition malovent practices and fake medicine is endorsed and propagated without comment.
I really really want to like this novel. It is well written and the characters aren't too bland even though they don't matter at all in the next arc. But there are some key problems that make it impossible: 1. The second short story (simulated life) within this novel is a festival of cliques and not interesting at all. 2. Face slapping is a sport and while the MC doesn't always take the first opportunity to do it, it will always happen in the end. 3. There is no red line, no overarching goal for the MC to achieve. 4. The system by itself is reducing any stakes to almost nothing. I don't mean for the author to add something stupid like, immediate death or destruction of the soul, but there could at least be monetary losses or some kind of debuffs. 5. The author drags on and on about unimportant stuff, skipping chapters is sometimes the only way to still gain a modicum of enjoyment.
Really bad discount Budda Palm MC supposedly transmigrated, but has no motivations at all. He acts and thinks like he is on a holiday trip, he also just knows things and has things just on hand whenever it is convenient for the story.
To shallow for my taste. No build up, no background, no struggle. Just the MC suddenly gaining an ability and solving every problem with it. NPC(Side-Characters, but not in this novel) are fake, either way to trusting or unreasonably antagonistic. Very Mary-Sue-ish.
This novel had a very good start, almost exciting. The system is novel and contains hidden dangers. So what went wrong? The entire build up is wasted! MC doesn't die (no surprise) and the story changes from a good novel, driven forward by the motivations and ideas of the MC, to a mediocre political drama in which the MC uses the system to cheat at every opportunity. It just isn't interesting to read about the MC cheating his way to fame and fortune. The world building breaks down at that point as well, what was once a nebulous empire with basic technology becomes a convoluted mess of different political systems with a very narrow technological development path. It becomes clear pretty quickly that the author has no clue about communication networks and how the basic building blocks of modern technology work. I could deal with a mediocre and very illogical world, if the plot or characters held my attention in any way, but they don't. The MC becomes 1 dimensional, he even uses a spell to deal with basic communication, the side-characters are stupid cliches and the systems good and evil mechanics become a source of constant frustration.
This novel is like a watching your favorite sports team lose a game, because the entire team is drunk. Utterly disappointing! I was excited to get a novel with a smart MC who Relies on more than just his cheat, or at least has to spent some effort to use his cheat. I was totally wrong, the hard parts are skipped outright and in the end it is just standard OP MC killing shit. Not worth anyone's time.
So in the beginning I thought this novel had potential. The Cheat didn't seem too OP(I was wrong), the MC made some actually smart and careful decisions(that stopped completely somewhere after chapter 10) and the side characters seemed to have their own goals and thoughts(Didn't really change, thay just aren't relevant any more, except to boost the MC when it is convenient). So what went wrong? 1. The cheat became the motherload of all stupid loot boxing mechanism. The advantages keept compounding(Breathing technique to gain 1XP per level with no actual effort/time investment after level 10) and every other skill is literally pay to win. I have not a single clue why the MC is even training anything besides the necessary amount to gain control of his own body. Archery training is especially useless. 2. As mentioned above, the Breathing Technique is king, investing every available Exp in it is only logical and way more efficient than anything else the MC could do. It is not even explained why the MC stop investing after he rightfully recognized how important that skill is. It is just skipped out. 3. Story got a lot more monotonous and boring after the Side-Characters stopped being relevant.
Really bad translation. I am not a native speaker so I am often uncertain if seemingly wrongly arranged words are actually grammatically wrong, but this novel has so many weird and simply wrong sentences that I am certain that the translation isn't done by someone who actually knows English and the original language. Besides that I am really annoyed by the constantly changing currencies that don't make sense at all. Just an example: MC can't afford upgrade of his immortal stone because it is 100000 Yuan (in a former chapter it was 100000 Points) (Yuan does not even exist in this world), Brother ows someone 2000 Silver, which is 2Million Yuan(Quote MC). 1 Silver is 1 Point in the beginning of the story. Random weak ass pill is 100 Points (Supposedly 100+ Silver, source OC). 2 Books is 100 Yuan. This just doesn't make any sense. Leave fing Yuan out of this, nobody needs it and nobody wants it. I recommend to change translator or let a native speaker check each chapter for the most common errors.
The premise of this story is halfway decent, the author had some interesting ideas and tried to pull an interesting spin on an old genre. The major problem with this novel is that the author utterly fails to express emotions in a convincing way. The MC feels wooden and constructed because he has either too much emotions or none at all. Side-Characters are a lot better, but not really relevant due to the premise of this story. World building is okay-is, not good, but vague enough to be believable. Differences in planets are almost nonexistent, but again, this isn't a slice of life or exploration type of story. Pasing is another problem, we either get way to much information about things we don't need to care about at all, or not enough to really imagine what is going on.