


Usually angry

2017-10-03 เข้าร่วมแล้วUnited States







  • Nobody_1
    ตอบกลับถึง Bora27

    She stated pretty clearly that she feels terrible about it now since it was obvious the grandma was sincerely pleased that her grandson had a woman he loved. Back then, however, she was misled by her “friend.” It’ll be different this time around.

    Whether it was because she felt guilty from her previous life or because the old lady was the only person who could restrain Si Yehan, she decided it was imperative to build a good relationship with her.
    Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet
    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1
    ตอบกลับถึง Madiq

    He mentioned that his daughter’s mother was Chinese. Considering that his daughter died before having any children it’s not terribly strange that he’d want to be called that by someone who reminds him of her.

    "You're welcome, Ms. Ning Xi. If possible... well... could you... call me Grandfather?" Jace mumbled nervously.
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1
    ตอบกลับถึง RUMANA

    Yes. Lu Tingxiao is the Cicada. And Song Lin is the Mantis

    There was one more saying. The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind [1].
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1
    ตอบกลับถึง RUMANA

    He saw her kick the knife out of the uncle’s hands.

    It was exactly like Xiao Xi Xi's!
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    “Who would not want a child with their own blood flowing through their veins” You! You literally got exactly that 6 years ago in the form of Ning Xi. But instead of actually treasuring her (which you could have frankly done alongside Xueluo had you really wanted to) you alienated her before shipping her off overseas

    Who would not want a child with their very own blood flowing in their veins?
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1
    ตอบกลับถึง Daoist987694

    Nah. It was clearly stated that Keer’s father went to Yaohua and threatened him at gunpoint to stay loyal to his wife.

    Sadly, the Zhuangs were not people he could mess with! So, if he really wanted a son, it had to be an offspring of him and Zhuang Lingyu.
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    Frankly, considering Xueluo managed to achieve success in the film industry, it’s likely that her mom would be a reasomably good looking woman if she had the opportunities to care for her skin. Its not her fault that she has to work her whole life. Nor is it really her fault that she’s been put into this difficult position. It’s too bad that Xueluo was born bad and this was furthered by the Nings. Had she not been things could have been resolved peacefully (and we wouldn’t have a story I suppose)

    You should take a look in the mirror to see how you look! How could you give birth to a face like Ning Xi's?
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    I like how LTX is essentially a modern day bill gates yet apparently these guys don’t know who he is. He is on the news relatively often, isn’t he.

    Lu Tingxiao then turned the conversation into another direction, "But, Elder Madam Tang, you have to understand that Xiao Xi is just an actress, and I just have a small fortune of my own. We're lucky that this time, I know someone from the Ministry of Education, so if this powerful enemy of yours won't back down and wants to do something against Tang Nuo in the future again, I'm afraid that we might not be able to help much."
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    “You’re right. Give me a second.” *makes phone call* “Hi, Keer! Could you put grandpa on the phone?”

    Elder Madam Tang, who had just finished making a call, had a clearly condescending smirk on her weathered face. "What can a businessman do? If you want to look for someone to help, you should get someone in the government! Don't just delay time and affect Xiao Nuo..."
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    “Who was once their daughter.” She could still be, if you didn’t create a distance. That said, I can’t blame them too much. They’re in a difficult position where hanging on to her could limit her possibilities with her “actual” family.

    They did not really notice it since she had disguised herself the last time they met her, but they now discerned the transformation of the girl who was once their daughter. Both her outlook and her aura had turned into something exceptional to them.
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    Happy wife, happy life…for the employees of the Lu Corporation.

    "If our Lady Boss is happy, our Boss will be happy. We will only get better days if our Boss is happy…"
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    I’m not gonna lie, the absolutely classist way these people are the world annoys me to no end. She doesn’t have “elegance” because she is the biological child of a rich family. She has elegance because she is a well educated, talented, and, most importantly, kind woman raised by decent people to be a decent person. Similarly, Xueluo could have the same “elegance” had she not been raised by narcissistic parents who instilled in her a number of negative character traits and personality flaws. I won’t deny that there is a genetic component to behavior. However, from what we’ve seen of the other Tangs, Xueluo is an exception. She’s not lacking because her genes are contributing to poor character. She’s lacking because her upbringing was terrible and, sometimes, people are just not good. I mean, look at the Zhuangs. A family with a “great pedigree” filled with decent, if somewhat stuck up, people. Somehow those people produced Ning Xi’s bio mom.

    She was worthy of being the real daughter of a prestigious family. Even if she had stayed in a rural village for 18 years, it was just something in her bones.
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    The problem isn’t her being born from a village woman. Being poor doesn’t make someone a bad person or a lesser human. Ning Xi was raised by a village woman and, while not knowing about the finer things in life, she grew up to be a kind and well adjusted individual just like her adoptive brother. Similarly, Xueluo’s genetics aren’t really the issue. The issue is that she was raised by narcissists to be a narcissist.

    Zheng Mingjun was rather satisfied with the Ning family's attitude for the night although she still felt a sense of unease in her heart about something. She sighed to her husband, "Hey, considering that she was still born to some village woman, Xueluo is actually not bad already. I'm just afraid...afraid that as time goes on, her true colors will be revealed..."
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    Bold of him to believe Tianxin will side with him. She very apparently detests him for cheating on her mother.

    After the distribution of shares had been announced, Ning Yaobang breathed a sigh of relief. Even though Ning Yaohua had 15%, on his side, he and Tianxin would have a total of up to 16%, which was exceeded Ning Yaohua's portion by 1%, so how could he not be happy?
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1
    ตอบกลับถึง rainlovemouay

    10% of an internationally traded corporation is very, very valuable and would give a person a very large voice in how the company is run. Just those shares alone are worth loads more than the properties Xueluo got. Frankly, this shows her Grandfather’s favor for Ning Xi since she got more than his second son did.

    The lawyer flipped the page then continued to read aloud, "Ning International Private Limited Company. With a total of 51% in shares, the distribution is as follows: Ning Yaohua 15%, Ning Yaobang 6%, Ning Qiutong 10%, Ning Tianxin 10%, Ning Xi 10%! End of announcement."
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    She got property and a trust fund but no shares in the company. The shares are the really important thing.

    After the lawyer listed out the elder's assets, he started to go into the distribution of it. "The three estates and two shop lots in Imperial as well as the foreign trust funds will go to the granddaughter, Ning Xueluo!"
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    สมัยใหม่ · Jiong Jiong You Yao
  • Nobody_1

    Before we forget, Zhang Ye is 20-22 years old. Dreaming of beautiful women isn’t at all unusual.

    Zhang Ye stretched his lazy ass. It was getting cold in the house and he did not feel like getting out of his blanket. He wrapped it around himself and searched for the clothes that he was going to wear today, pulled them into his blanket and got dressed piece by piece. Then he got off his bed to wash up and have his breakfast. He did not sleep well last night. He had a dream in which Water Lotus Moon appeared. Her very large breasts, which he saw in her photos, were bouncing about in his dream had tormented him for the whole night. It was very alluring. This big sis' photos were really too coquettish.
    I’m Really a Superstar
    สมัยใหม่ · Chang Yu
  • Nobody_1

    This is like saying it’s a dog’s fault for biting you after you kick it.

    Li Tao, who was in the room, heard this and his expression changed. The person who had caused him to be in this state was Zhang Ye, but Zhang Ye had gone to teach at Peking University? Your grandmother! I'm in this state because of you! I even lost my job as an official, my wife is contemplating divorce, and they are checking on my financial situation, I might even go to jail, but you f**king Zhang are doing just fine? After scolding the SARFT, not only did you not get into trouble, but you even went to the country's number one institution to teach? This is unfair! So unfair! Li Tao wanted to thrash everything in the room. He was so angry that he nearly exploded!
    I’m Really a Superstar
    สมัยใหม่ · Chang Yu
  • Nobody_1
    ตอบกลับถึง KlMYNAHYU

    I realize this is years late, but Golden Lotus is considered to be one of the great Chinese novels alongside Dream of Red Chamber, Journey to the West, Water Margin, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. What sets Golden Lotus apart is that it is controversial and, if I recall correctly, banned in China due to it’s explicit depiction of sexuality.

    What about those Redologists? Those experts who specialized in studying "Dream of the Red Chamber"? Where did they disappear to! Did you guys all end up researching "Golden Lotus"?
    I’m Really a Superstar
    สมัยใหม่ · Chang Yu
  • Nobody_1

    It wouldn’t be dirty if people just didn’t wear their shoes in the house.

    "Indeed, I was so engrossed in cooking, as it was late, that I forgot about it." Dong Shanshan did not go to the door to take a pair of slippers. Instead, she bent down and took off her heels and placed them by the side. She stepped on the wooden floor with her bare feet. As she had just wiped the floor yesterday, it wasn't dirty.
    I’m Really a Superstar
    สมัยใหม่ · Chang Yu