
War Never Changes

Cold, wet, bleeding and drained, I slowly drag my what seems to be lifeless corpse like body across the field, desperately trying to egde closer to the trench, despite my chances, I have a family, I must push on.

Deafening crashes fill the musky, fog filled sky, this is hopeless, im going to die.

Bits of flying debris splinter the ground and almost surround me completely, Im nearly there, I cant give up.

I can barely catch my breath, im getting dizzy now, my vision is blurred, my head spinning,

then... Darkness

I awoke in a rather damp trench with a soldier who had pulled me aside, he was also injured, bleeding wasn't the word, he said he had a daughter at home, he didn't want to die, and yet, he was dying. Tears slowly fell from his face, every one that hit the floor seemed to make the earth beneath us shudder, I held him close and whispered in his ear "everything is going to be fine" he just looked up, and smiled, that was the last thing he did before the heartbeat in his chest, was beating, no more.

I couldn't carry him any longer, I had to leave him behind, a small cross was placed on his chest and I fled as quickly as I could.

I shouldn't be alive, the odds are so against me, I close my eyes not knowing what will happen next.

Then I hear the one thing I was trying to avoid, soldiers.

A dark bag is placed over my head as I am thrown into the side of a trench, a gun to my head, my mouth now gagged, my hands and feet tied, like a loose piece of meat, im thrown into the back of a truck where more of them reside.

Its been 3 days. I haven't eaten, iv been tortured beyond belief and I know I dont have long left. I get treated worse than the others because of who I am. I feel my eye lids grow heavy, before I pass out from exhaustion yet again..

I refuse to tell them what they want to know, I wont betray my country like that, no matter how hard they lash me, or how much im starved.

2 more days have gone by and they say its my last unless I telk them, I curse them out, which wasn't a good idea..

1 hour later, a man approaches me, with a gun, and a bat. He simply says, "choose"..

Im going to miss my family, im only 23, my boyfriend is worried sick, and our adopted son is only 2. I dont care what they think of me, at least I didn't die in vain.

I slowly open my mouth and whimper the word..
