
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

Reading some books

6,000 years ago when the eternal war ended. Immanity controlled the largest amount of land in the world. This was due to them being scattered across many parts of the world, hidden from the other races who were participating in the war. It wouldn't be wrong to say that after the end of the war, Immanity thrived the most due to the number of resources at their disposal.

However, time was not kind to humans. Due to the disadvantage of being incapable of connecting with the spirit circuit, humans would continue to slowly lose land over the years. Today the Kingdom of Elkia was quite literally the last region of land owned by Immanity.

Mahakoht Dola, the previous King of Elkia had lost 8 times to the Warbeasts. Slowly losing a piece of their land each time. The last game, resulted in the loss of the Erdtree. The erdtree provided the land around it with a magical effect, forcing any natural disasters of nature to ignore it. If you planted a seed near it, then it would sprout within the next hour.

However the Erdtree was not just beloved for it's magical blessings. It was a religious symbol, left behind by the Elden Lord. Naturally, deep feelings of discontent were had towards the crown after the loss of the Erdtree.

"Which means, that even if we took the crown. The people would look at us even worst, even if we didn't have anything to do with the previous King." Sora hummed in thought, browsing through the small archive of books that the daughter of the previous King showed him. "Steph, I'm sorry to say but it'd be a hard sell to prove that your father wasn't an idiot." He bluntly said to her after understanding the situation.

"I'm sure he had his reasons..." Stephanie Dola, the daughter of the previous king tried to convince herself.

"Nii, the coronation is starting soon."

"Well, let's put this aside for now. We've got a coronation to crash." The maroon haired Neet smiled before standing up to stretch.

"Eh, you're seriously going to do it now!?"

"Of course. By the way Steph, any chance you have some kind of special thing left behind by the Elden Lord or something?"

"Well, it's said that this token was left to my ancestor when she was crowned as a ruler. Although it's just an heirloom." She took out a circular object, that looked like a coin. On the front was a sigil, in the shape of the Elden Ring.

"Good enough." Sora swiped it from her hands and smirked.

Zieg took a silent moment to praise translation spells, because he was too lazy to just sit down and learn a new language from scratch. Funny enough, he didn't actually get the spell from the Nasuverse or from the Elden Ring tutorial. but instead acquired it from DXD. Translation spells were apparently public knowledge on the devilnet, provided by the devils at first. While it didn't work for all races, it served as a foundation for others to create their own versions.

Which was incredibly convenient for him. Because the humans of Disboard didn't use english or japanese as their primary language. It seemed like it took some inspiration from german, but he couldn't say for sure. Either way, it helped to be able to browse through the books of other realities.

"Is there anything specific you're looking for, master?"

"First of all, there's no need to call me master."

"Then Lord? Elden Lord? Brother? Husband? Your Majesty?"

"I would have thought you were messing with me, if I didn't know you were completely serious. You know what, just call me whatever you want." Zieg rolled his eyes

"I just wanted to repay you for the wealth of knowledge you've given me." She pouted before going back to the scroll in her hands.

Zieg decided to give her his scroll that was basically his phone from RWBY. It contained the downloaded information of hundreds of thousands of books. It wasn't his full library, but it was definitely more than enough to occupy Jibril's time, so he could quietly read.

"You really love books huh?"

"Well after the 10 pledges, you couldn't collect heads anymore. Plus we believed that to find the answer to our reason for life, knowledge would be the key. But now it's more of a hobby to be honest, the more I learn, the more interesting it becomes to try and put it to practice and come back to it." In the Eternal War, Flugels would collect heads as trophies. However that became impossible to do after the 10 pledges, so Flugels would simply collect books now.

Zieg closed his book for a moment in thought. After a bit of silence he smiled. "Jibril." he called out, causing her to turn her attention.

"Artosh would be proud of you." He stated with complete certainty.

"I don't know about that." A somber smile graced her lips.

"The other Flugels were originally created to be 'perfect'. This unfortunately led to complications down the line. They were incapable of truly learning because of this perfection." After the battle against the Dragonia Hartylief, Artosh showed disinterest towards the war. Opting to reside in his chambers in Avant Heim, pondering things. "After reaching a conclusion, Artosh gifted you with the gift of 'imperfection'."

"This imperfection allowed you to truly fail. Which led you to pursue answers to questions that your fellow Flugels could not even begin to comprehend. The reason you attempted to pursue me alone during the war, despite being defeated each time was due to this imperfection. It allowed you to fail and learn, then improve. Honestly if the war went on any longer, you probably could have taken my head eventually." Zieg admitted with honesty.

"So you can hold your head high, deep down, you've found the answer that Artosh and I wished for you to find."

"Thank you. To hear those words, gives me a feeling that I haven't felt before." She held a hand to her chest, and turned around. Zieg could hear tears dripping to the floor, but didn't comment on it.

"I think it's closure."

"I see. A wonderful feeling." It had been 6,000 years since the pursuit to the answer. The feeling of closure after this long, it truly brought about a foreign emotion within her.

After a few minutes of silence, Zieg put down his book and turned to the girl who was digesting the feeling of closure.

"On that note, there's no real need for you to follow me." He smiled

"Eh? But..." Jibril quickly snapped her body around. Her eyes a little red.

"What did you expect, you've found your answer. But I have a proposition, consider this separate and you can deny me if you want. I'm actually looking for a librarian, and think you would be perfect for the job." Zieg offered, he had still been looking for a librarian. He had considered offering it to Hekate, but he didn't know how his little altercation with the greek gods would go.

"If you would have me, then I'd be honored." The Flugel bowed with a smile.

"Great, but there are a lot of books though. Maybe we should get some of the other Flugels to help you." Zieg said aloud. There were millions of books after all.

"No need for that!" Jibril immediately stopped him from continuing that train of thought.

"Hm? Why not? You said that you Flugels had been collecting books right?"

"Collecting, yes... But taking care of them... Not so much..." Jibril rubbed the back of her head, perhaps feeling embarrassed about her fellow flugels.

"Really? All of them are like that?"

"Well, mostly Azril. I guess there are a few that may be different."

"Well I still think you'll need assistants. But I'll leave that up to your discretion." He shrugged.

He had only heard of Jibril complaining about her fellow Flugels. But he would need to see it for himself to really understand.

"Oi, kid. They're holding a coronation or something." Draig called over from a magic mirror that was able to look over all of Elkia.

So Draig and Albion wouldn't be bored, Zieg gave them a magic mirror with the ability to spy on a large area.

"The blue haired girl's been winning non-stop." Albion pointed at the blue haired girl.

"Well she is cheating with magic after all." Zieg remembered her from earlier.

"Not gonna intervene?"

"Honestly, I don't know if I should. It's been 6,000 years, although I'm still a bit ticked off about my tree getting bet off. I'm pretty sure I would lose since games aren't really my specialty, unless it involved violently ripping each other apart. But I would like my tree back for humanity." He really was torn. On one hand, he couldn't just use brute force to take his tree back. On the other hand, he left his tree behind to help humanity.

"Well, it looks like someone's crashing the coronation." Draig interrupted him from his thoughts.

"Oh it looks like Sora and Shiro are doing well for themselves." Albion noted their presence in the castle.

The trio watched the two barge into the scene, declaring a match for the throne.

Within the Royal Chambers, a crowd of people gathered around the large room, where the coronation would take place. In the center of the room was a miniature Erdtree, left behind by the Elden Lord. It's presence gave a holy feeling to the chamber.

"Alright, if you object. Then I will allow you to challenge me to a game, just as you wish." Chlammy Zell said without caring for the fact that they had just barged into the room.

"Yes, please! I'd ever be so grateful!" Sora said in a sing song tone. "But, if you want to play a game, how about we do it without your assistant over there." His eyes became sharp as Shiro pointed over to the hooded figure in the stands.

The hood was removed to reveal an elf, causing an uproar in the crowd.

"So that means she was working with the elves this whole time!?" A random person from the peanut gallery said aloud.

"I see, so you're working with an elf to frame me for a crime against immanity. But what about you? Servants under the daughter of Immanity's greatest traitor. Didn't he work with the Warbeasts to give all our land and Erd tree away?" She smirked back at him.

Another uproar in the crowd was heard as everyone turned and looked at Steph with hostility. Stephanie Dola shrunk back behind Sora as the siblings frowned.

Whispers and gossip began to circulate in the crowd. Whether it was worst to be under elves or the warbeasts. Sora ignored the crowd and narrowed his eyes at the blue haired girl.

"6,000 years ago, the Elden Lord crowned Couronne Dola as his representative. With his great vision and wisdom, he put his trust into her. Now you accuse her family of betrayal!?" Sora shouted out, silencing the crowd.

It was true, that it was the Elden Lord that appointed the ruler of Immanity back then.

"That may be true, but it has been 6,000 years. The Elden Lord may have trusted Couronne Dola, but the previous king was not her, and neither is her daughter."

Quiet whispers and outrageous rumors began to circulate again.

"In that case, why don't we call upon the Elden Lord then!?" Sora raised the heirloom in the air, which caused some confused whispers.

"Eh?" Steph was confused at what he wanted to do with the token.

"6,000 years ago, the Elden Lord left behind this token to first ruler and her family. With the words that he would return in Humanity's greatest time of need! All we must do is call upon him with this token!" Sora grandly shouted, causing the crowd to go into an uproar.

"What!? Is it true?"

"He's obviously lying! I've never heard of this!"

"Is our lord returning!?"

"I know that token. From my knowledge, it's nothing but an heirloom." Chlammy narrowed her eyes at that.

"You aren't part of the royal family, so of course you wouldn't know." Sora smirked and bet everything. "Oh great Elden Lord! Humanity needs you once again!" He shouted to the sky, token raised up.

After a moment, nothing happened. Causing Chlammy to let go of a breath that she was holding in. In reality she didn't know if he was telling the truth or not.

However an overwhelming presence engulfed the royal chambers. The Elden Ring on the token shined and began to float up slowly. A light pierced the chambers and engulfed the token.

"6,000 years. It's been a long time. Humanity." Zieg appeared donned in his full armor. His iconic red spear gripped in his guantlet.

Some people in the crowd actually knelt down on the ground.

"I am, The Elden Lord." He declared, as the miniature Erdtree began to shimmer in the light.