
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

Heading to DXD for stuff

Astromancy, Astrology and High-Speed Incantation. It was the first things to be revealed through my eyes as I gazed at the raining meteors in the sky.

Kirschtaria Wodime. What a frightening man.

Before I went off to my next place of interest, I decided to see if I could pop into the moment when this baddass used his meteors in Atlantis.

Truly deserving of being called the primal form of astromancy.

Using the universe's boundless power to assume control over celestial bodies and artificially aligning them to create a gigantic magic circuit. If there was ever an example of going overboard, then this is what it would look like!

The big problem with this spell is that it depends on the level of mystery and energy within space. The theory behind this spell is genius, but impossible to put into practice in the modern age of the nasuverse. Which is why he chose to grow this greek lostbelt. Because they saw the universe in layers. The world, the sky and the heavens.

This dude is poetically using the power of the heavens itself. It really synergizes well with this form of magecraft.

I could also rain down meteors if I used the Primeval Current to it's full extent. In theory I wouldn't even need to realign the stars. I could just open up a rift to the Primeval Current and rain down stars. Although it'd also take a large toll on me to forcibly open up a rift to the Current. So this is only in theory.

Which means... I came here for absolutely nothing!

Sure I now know how to replicate this man's method of raining down meteors. But here's the thing with spells. You can rework them for alternative versions to reach the end result. Granted there are limitations, but that usually only applies to people who don't have a nigh infinite amount of energy.

I'm not like one of those magic casters in games who literally just shouts out a spell and the world does it for them!

You know the problem with those kinds of magic casters? That's just what they are! Freakin spellcasters who don't even know how their spells are doing what they are doing!

A guy could just use a spell called 'Time stop!' and the world would go along with what he said, even if he doesn't know how it's stopping time!

'You're ranting again. Also I was technically referred to as a spellcaster.' Emiya commented.

"Ah but that's by magi's standards!" I rolled my eyes. Even Emiya has a process of what he does, even though he's a third rate magus and technically a spellcaster. He is just incredibly specialized, honestly I feel like I need to find a proper example of what I'm talking about.

'By the way, there are meteors falling towards you.' Albion decided to inform me.

I glanced up at the random meteors that reached me despite being an outsider to this whole battle.

Pumping an obscene amount of magical energy through my soul, my aura flared up as I halted them mid-air. I finally found a use for the gravity attunement and affinity that I got from Radahn's rune. Turns out, it's pretty damn good.

Making a mental note to make a spell that turns off someone's gravity so that they fly off to space due to the earth's rotational speed. Sounds like a challenging thing to make.

'If you are quite done, I'm getting bored. Also the blonde is looking at you.' Draig's voice brought me out of my little moment.

I turned my gaze back to Kirschtaria Wodime who was miles away from me. I guess he noticed some of his meteors stopping over here. Oops.

Well I don't feel like getting into a fight, so I'm just gonna get the hell out of this reality!

Zieg Aversis appeared mid-air for a moment, his arms crossed and eyes closed. He wore some mesh shorts with a t-shirt and hoody. While he considered dressing more like a Primeval Sorcerer. He didn't know what robes would look good, so he ended up with his usual casual clothes.

He disappeared again and reappeared in the same spot, except in a different timeline. He had repeated this for the last couple hours.

'What are you doing? You've been at this for hours now!' Draig said completely unsure of what the hell Zieg was doing.

'I feel like we're in our home reality.' Albion seemed to notice something.

'Seriously? Oh wow I can feel myself somewhere else. Wow that's an odd feeling.'

'Weirder than when you felt yourself inside that little girl?'

'I think you should stop that line of thought. Anyone without context would think he was a pedophile.' Emiya decided to butt into the conversation.

'What!?' Draig shouted enraged

'I hate that you're right. I never thought I'd ever say a sentence like that...' Albion realized how sus his words were.

"Can you guys please keep it down, I'm trying to focus here." Zieg actually spoke out loud for once. His concentration broken.

'What are you even trying to do?'

"I'm trying to find a specific timeline that suits my needs. Kaleidoscope is difficult to work with and I'm practically using it without any formal training right now." He rubbed his head. Zieg was developing a migraine from trying to learn how to use the second true magic on the go. His eyes may have given him answers on how it's done when he met Zelretch, but he lacked proper mastery with it.

"Done..." Zieg finally finished after a couple more hours. He let out a breath of relief.

'And what exactly did you do?'

"Well I found the specific reality and world that had what I needed."

'You never did tell us what you were planning to do, besides recruiting allies to punch Odin.'

"Right now, I realized I need a few things. First, I need summons that can actually fly. Like have you noticed the only guy I have to call on that can fly is Slane? I could use the Elden Beast, but I'm gonna need more than just those two."

'Did someone call me?' Slane popped in from out of nowhere.

'No, you can go back to your manga.'

"Second. I need familiars."

'What, are servants not good enough for you?' Draig snarked. He had seen how powerful Servants could be, so he wasn't sure why Zieg didn't just summon another servant.

"I mean I specifically need a familiar that doesn't have any strain on my body just by existing. The strain of a servant isn't bad, but when they use their Noble Phantasms, I can really feel it."

'What about me?' Emiya questioned considering he was a servant.

"I converted you into a spirit ash that was integrated into my semblance. There is a difference in how you work now." Whenever Zieg summoned something with his semblance. The only strain placed upon him was the upkeep to keep the summon materialized in the world, otherwise they would disappear on their own after about 5-10 minutes.

The upkeep on each would depend on their container. For Zieg there were 4 types of containers.

Boss containers like the Elden Beast.

Elite containers like Lhutel the Headless

Standard containers like the Mausoleum soldiers

And finally Special containers. Such as Slane or Emiya.

The special summon's upkeep varies depending on how strong they were when Zieg integrated them. Another feature about them is that they can materialize themselves without his permission. The reason for this is because they 'accepted' to join Zieg as a summon. He can only turn things into spirit ashes if he asks and they accept.

The nice thing about being summoned is that, Slane and Emiya are fully capable of using their full abilities without additional strain to Zieg. So if Emiya wanted, he could use his Unlimited Blade Works and keep it up for as long as Zieg is there to keep him materialized.

Zieg theorized that the energy they are using is directly from the Primeval Current. While the only thing needed for him is to be an anchor to keep them in the world.

However the downside of this, is that they will not grow stronger than they were the day that Zieg integrated them into his summons.

'So you're here to get some summons that can fly. But besides Slane and Emiya, who in their right minds would willingly become spirits for you?' Albion asked. He doubted the Angels, Fallen and Devils would agree.

"I thought of that, we'll have to wait for him to show up. I'm also considering getting some land in the underworld, you think Azazel would give it to me if I did him a favor?" Zieg wondered out loud.

Zieg was currently in a version of DXD. There was only one difference that he knew of when he searched out the timelines. He needed some land for when he got Albion and Draig their new bodies along with a place to dump all the books that he kept in his inventory.

He wanted his own library, but first he needed to own land for that. Truly it sucked to be a hobo.

At an abandoned church outside Kuoh. The ground was littered with dead leaves, and roots growing out of the cracked concrete due to poor upkeep. The exterior of the building was in poor condition, some windows were broken and the fact that the trees outside were bereft of leaves didn't help much.

The sun was beginning to set and two black feathered people had just returned from their daily tasks and felt something was off. One was an attractive young woman with violet eyes and a slender body. She had long silky black hair down to her hips and a large bust.

The other fallen was a middle-aged man with short black hair and dark blue eyes. His attire consisted of a fedora and pale grey trench coat over a white dress shirt.

"Something is wrong..." Raynare muttered out loud, scanning the area for any of the hidden exorcists under their command. There were none.

"I smell blood." Dohnaseek lowly grunted with a frown.

The two glanced at the other and in tacit understanding, released spears of light from their hands.

Flying down to the ground, they approached the wooden doors of the dilapidated church. Their steps were slow and cautious.

"Are you two going to be out there all day? You know it's rude to keep guests waiting." Their grips tightened at the nonchalant voice that sounded out from the church.

They didn't recognize it, so they kicked the door open. "Who the hell are you?" Raynare shouted with her light spear directed at the person seated in front of the church stand.

Zieg sat there relaxed, head propped up by his arm and lazy grin plastered on his face. "Zieg Aversis, I've been waiting for you two all day, you know." He introduced himself

"Regardless of who you are, you came to the wrong place human." Dohnaseek smirked condescendingly after realizing it was just a single human brat.

"Funny, your friends said similar things." Zieg chuckled as he snapped his finger and allowed some curtains to fall down.

The two frowned as they were greeted by the sight of their other fallen accomplices who were bound, and held hostage by what looked to be a bipedal lizard knight and dark skinned male in red and black attire.

Due to having to wait so long, Zieg decided to be dramatic as all fuck because he was bored.

"Just so you know, all the exorcists under you are dead. Well, one got away. But I doubt he's coming back anytime soon."

"What do you think you're doing, attacking us like this?" Raynare growled as they didn't look to be in a good position.

"Me? Well what about you guys? I'm pretty sure this town is under Devil jurisdiction. Plus I have a feeling you aren't properly following your bosses orders~" Zieg said in an amused sing-song tone.

Raynare flinched at that, she was now considering escape. "Thinking of running there?" Zieg smirked at the way her body language revealed what she was planning.

"Run? Nonsense! I'd rather die in battle than to execution!" Dohnaseek laughed, his spear still trained on Zieg.

"Oh? Quite the backbone you got there. A battle maniac? My kind of guy." Zieg clapped before standing up. "You know, I don't actually plan on killing you right? You're worth far more to me alive than dead."

"It doesn't matter, the moment word gets to Azazel. Our fates are sealed. So right now it's do or die!" He declared before flapping his wings, black feathers kicked up as he soared straight at the white haired sorcerer.

A hand tore through his chest, his black feathers dyed red. Zieg met him halfway.

"A shame, I can understand the desire to die on the battlefield. So I'll grant it to you." Zieg spoke slowly to Dohnaseek as the man died with a smile on his face.

"You.. You bastard!" Zieg glanced at the girl who was trying to impale him from the side.

He reached up and to Raynare's shock, grabbed the spear of light with his bare hands. The spear of light shattered in his grip, to her despair and fear.

"Now then, I'm gonna need you to contact Azazel for me sweety." Zieg smiled gently. But to the girl it was a horrifying image.

Raynare jumped back and started to fly away towards a broken window.

"What!?" However to her confusion and dismay, she smacked headfirst into a transparent barrier and crash landed on the church floor.

"You don't seem to understand, Raynare." She flinched, shakily turning her head to the frightening man. Zieg kneeled down, his bloody hand on her cheek.

"I wasn't asking."