
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

Fallen sky

The continent of Andalusia or just Lucia. It was to the right of Ariena, the area in which most of humanity was hidden.

From what I could gleam, humanity was scattered into countless small colonies in order to hide from the raging war between the races.

It had been 3 years and with the help of my allies, we were capable of gathering enough blood for the Erdtree's growth. During that time I had learned a lot about the world I was in and it's inhabitants. But the main thing I had spent my time researching was the secrets of this world's spirit circuit.

Supposedly the dragon that I had seen when I was first here, was Aranlief the Ultimate. One of the three dragon rulers of Dragonia. Of course he had been eliminated, his corpse and blood were a big help towards the Erdtree's development. The Ex Machina that killed him didn't seem to take much samples. I guess they didn't need much and just scanned what was necessary before leaving the rest.

I'm avoiding provoking the Ex Machina, supposedly they don't attack unless provoked. I've watched them fight a few times, and I can honestly say. It's a terrible matchup for me. They are capable of scanning and recreating any attack that hits them. Their spell matrixes are above what I'm capable of, as much as I am ashamed to admit... The only method I could defeat them in their large clusters is if I used an Elden Lord's strength, and that would be dangerous.

Speaking of an Elden Lord's strength, I've finally found it's limit. Back when i slaughtered hundreds of dragons, I had encountered Hartyleif the Armageddon. One of the other 3 dragon rulers, and dear lord he gave me a run for my money.

Supposedly the 500 dragons were the remnants of those that followed Aranlief the Ultimate. The Flugels supposedly mocked him for being felled by 'scraps' as was their term for the Ex Machina. It enraged the remaining dragons, causing them to fly straight towards Avant Heim. Where they would have perished to the Flugels, if not for my interception.

I was able to kill roughly half of them before Hartyleif showed up and demanded that I back off. I was still running on the high of battle, so I attacked him. Which ended in a draw. He was stronger than I expected.

I became conflicted, because I remember it was said that Hartyleif was killed by Artosh. You would think that I would have stayed away from Artosh, but I'm a battle loving idiot. As much as I hate to admit it.

I rushed straight into Avant Heim once, broke through multiple magical defenses with anti-magic noble phantasms and just straight up fought my way to Artosh. Naturally, I got my ass kicked. Dear lord, it took everyone to save me from death and extract me. I tried to teleport away once, and there was literally Flugels waiting for me on the other side of my coordinates. Madness.

For some reason, I feel like Artosh let me leave. I'm not sure, but although we were chased by the Flugel who were pissed that I had the balls to assault their lord. Artosh didn't make a move as I escaped. For some reason, he was smiling during our entire battle even as he kicked my ass. Sadistic bastard. At the very least, I got a good first punch off on him and even made him bleed a few times. Again I thank Hewg for his work into creating this god slaying weapon.

But that crazy bitch Azril literally pierced my chest and ripped out my heart. I found out that day, that not being able to die from blood loss meant that I could survive without a heart. Unfortunately the heart is still a core part of my body where my magical energy flows through. Without it, my combat abilities dropped down to 80%. Really wish I had a method to regenerate my heart, I'll have to consider getting a new one or a regeneration spell in the future.

Recently the news that Artosh had finally killed Hartyleif arrived. Which is unfortunate, because from my fallen scout's information, the Flugels have begun turning their eyes to Andalusia, where we were located.

"They've made it back to Ariena, it won't be long before they reach the ocean." Kokabiel stated after receiving intel from his scouts.

"What's the plan?" Emiya asked as they weren't capable of fighting them head on at the moment. The only reason they did not pursue them in the past was due to the fact that they were still at war with Hartyleif.

The rest of Zieg's allies were quiet. Honestly, it looked like they would have to retreat, but if they retreated then the Flugels might start exterminating the human colonies one by one in search of them.

"Isn't it obvious? We'll face them head on." Zieg smirked. Completely unphased by the situation.

"I hope that means you have a plan."

"Of course, I haven't been active these past 3 years since my heart got ripped out of me. But that doesn't mean I wasn't doing anything." Zieg said with confidence as he turned to his allies with his arms crossed. "It's time to make an announcement to the world."

In the body of water between Ariena and Andalucia, a flock of Flugels were casually making their way across. Now that their god Artosh had killed Hartylief, they could finally repay the human Zieg for his transgressions against their lord.

However they didn't expect to see him so soon. Over the horizon, at the base of the shore. Zieg stood above his iconic winter dragon that hovered majestically in the air. Zieg's arms were spread wide, as if welcoming them.

"Long time no see! Did ya miss me?"

Zieg spoke joyfully to them, as if he were speaking to old friends he hadn't seen in years.

"Nyaa! There you are! Don't think we haven't forgotten when you thumbed your little nose at Lord Artosh!"

A green haired girl with an inhuman beauty in front of the flock, threatened with a smirk that borderlined a sneer. The halo revolving above her head and wings protruding from her hips made it clear that she was a Flugel.

"Oh, Azril. I see you're looking as lovely as ever. Did you come back to see me because you missed me?"

Zieg wasn't bothered by the threat as he pretty much teased her like they hadn't attempted to murder each other in the past.

"Nnggh, I came cause I didn't get to take off your head last time! Do you have any idea how I had to make due with just this?!"

For once Zieg actually looked stunned as the green haired Flugel took out something that looked like it was encased in crystal.

"Ah, oi that's my heart! Give me back my heart you thief!"

Zieg was astonished as the girl had literally kept his heart crystalized and hung it around her waist like an ornament.

"Nyahahahaha! It's my greatest treasure in my collection you know~ Hey Jibs, do you like it? We could get you his head too if you want!" She looked over to a pink haired Flugel that Zieg hadn't seen before. And he had seen a lot over the years.

"Oi, humans normally die without a heart! Do you have any idea how painful it is for me to survive without a heart!? And don't Flugels normally collect heads!?"

Zieg had thought that his heart was destroyed. But here it was in front of him, in one piece. If he could get it back, he could be at full power again.

"Also hello, you're a new one. I'm guessing you were made recently?" He finally turned to the pink haired Flugel after realizing that Azril wasn't gonna just give his heart back.

"Hello, I am Jibril. I have seen records of your battles. May I have your head?" Surpisingly the girl respectfully bowed to him.

"Wow, at least you have manners unlike your elders. But no, I kind of need my head to survive."

"Nyahahaha! Isn't my little sister Jibs the best!? She's a fan of you, you know? Shouldn't you be nice and just give up your head for her?"

Zieg was greeted with the scene of Azril glomping Jibril, much to her annoyance if her expression was any indication. It was an odd sight, normally one would expect an all out war to occur the moment they had met. But they were just talking to each other as if they were friends. Although the contents of the conversation was a bit gory.

"Well I'd rather not die. So I'm here to ask if you could just leave and not come back here."

Zieg blandly said to them. As the air turned stiff again. Azril's eyes turned back to Zieg and he felt more comfortable as they became as dangerous as the day he had met her.

"Nya~ Well we can't exactly leave without your head. Even if your a slightly bigger insect than the others, you should be honored that we're here for it."

The air became saturated in magical energy. A pressure strong enough to crush regular humans descended on the area. Rocks broke apart and the seas became uneasy.

"Hoh? Well then, I'll just have to send you flying all the way back to Artosh."

Zieg smirked, undeterred as his words caused the pressure to spike up.

"Do you really think you're capable of that?"

Azril stopped sounding like a cat as her voice became murderous. Zieg's smirk widened at the sight.

"But of course, I am humanity's Elden Lord. And as the lord, I'm going to have to ban you from my land."

The fog behind him dispersed as the thousands of fallen flapped their wings. A massive Erdtree was revealed, practically covering the sky with it's branches. The everpresent bleached red sky became clearer, and the sun was in view after years of war. The black ash had been banished, scattered to the wind and the Elden Ring shined through not just Zieg, but every fallen behind him.

The Flugel were speechless at the sight of the massive Erdtree. All of a sudden they felt their connection with their spirit circuit cut off.

"Welcome to lands between. The Sanctuary for the weak. Those with unsavory intentions will be barred from entry!" Zieg continued to speak, raising his hand towards the sky.

Above the Flugels, a massive interconnected circuit manifested in the sky. The spirit circuit lit up beneath the flugels, as if resonating with it.

"This won't kill you, but expect to see this every time you come close to our lands."

Zieg's newest spell, created after his research into the world's Spirit Circuit. A spell that would use the full force of the sky itself. Powered by the Erdtree, which had assimilated a part of the Spirit Circuit and siphoned power from it.

"Fallen sky." He dropped his hands.

The sky descended on the Flugels. The only sound that could be registered was rushing air.

The sheer force of the attack sent them hurtling all the way back to the other continent.

"Well, they certainly live up to their immortal status." Zieg let out a breath that he had been holding in. This was a perpetual spell that would constantly attack their enemies if they were approaching their territory. It was his greatest spell so far.

"Now then." He crossed his arms, looking up to the clear sky. The circuits in the sky expanded across Andalusia, projecting his voice for all to hear.

[To all my fellow humans. I am Zieg Aversis, the Elden Lord of humanity! If you are tired of running, of hiding, of simply surviving each day! Then the sanctuary of The Lands Between awaits you! Follow the leaves of the Erdtree. The Crows will guide you! The time for respite has come!]

The humans across the continent heard the decree and hope had finally kindled.