
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

A little bit of posturing

"Well then, let's get to business shall we?"

Zieg spoke, casually taking a seat on the throne meant for the king. He looked around the room, people were too afraid to speak, in fear that they were not worthy of speaking towards the Elden Lord. A figure who was essentially their god, for the past 6,000 years.

"Hm? Speak blue haired girl." His eyes glanced over towards the blue haired girl, Chlammy Zell. Who was trembling for whatever reason as she looked over to him.

"H-How do we know you are who you truly say?"

"Well I guess it's only natural to be doubtful about my identity after this long."

Zieg nodded, not at all offended at the question. In reality there were of course doubts within the crowd as well. Yet none of them had the guts to openly accuse him, in the case that he actually was the Elden Lord.

"In the past, when the eternal war ended, the representative of each race was given a race piece as proof of their existence as one of the 16 Ixseeds"

In the past, when he announced Couronne Dola as the representative of Immanity. He had no need for the race piece since he was planning on leaving.

"However, there was a very special exception made for the Elden Lord."

Reaching out his hand towards something only he could see. A crystalline light shined out, blinding everyone in the room. When the light died down, a transparent King piece was visible in Zieg's grasps.

"That is, besides the current rulers of 'Immanity'. The Elden Lord has the right to bring about the Race Piece, in memory of 'Humanity'."

Within the bodies of every human, the race piece shined out, showing the authenticity of the piece in his hands.

Knees of the few doubters dropped to the ground in reverence, towards their lord.

"Now then, with proof of my identity out of the way. Why have I been called again, after this long?" His gaze swept across the room, stopping at siblings Sora and Shiro with a glint in his eye.

Sora noted the glint and unhesitantly took over.

"Oh Elden Lord! We call on you again as our race is in dire straits." The Neet began dramatically, gesturing around.

"We are on our last leg, as Humanity only owns one piece of land left. We have lost much over the years since your departure, including your great Erdtree..."

In the crowd, many people were ashamed and annoyed at the mention. Shame took over since their lord was actually there, in the flesh.

"And now today, due to the rules left behind by the last king. This potential candidate may have even colluded with the elves!" His hands gestured towards the blue haired girl who seemed to be sweating.


Zieg's eyes moved towards the girl again who looked like she was about to collapse in her place. The Elden Ring within his eyes gave off a feeling that would make even a god wary. His attention moved from the girl, to the elf in the crowd who had not left yet.

"I see, that appearance. You must be a descendant of the Nirvalen."

Zieg smirked, to which the elf visibly narrowed her eyes. But instead of feeling threatened, Zieg just laughed as if he was remembering something funny.

"I wouldn't forget that face. 6,000 years ago, your ancestor Think Nirvalen tried to kill me with my own spell." He announced, standing up.

Chlammy Zell and Fiel Nirvalen tensed up in alarm, thinking that he would execute them. Despite the fact that the 10 pledges would stop him from doing so. It seemed that everyone just forgot about it in his presence.

"And now you're here. With some sort of idea that you can take over humanity."

He continued to speak as he slowly made his way towards Chlammy. Feeling threatened, Fiel Nirvalen jumped over in front of her friend. Magical energy brimming from her form. However Zieg didn't even give it a glance, instead he kept the rings in his eyes on the blue haired girl.

"Girl, I'm guessing it was difficult getting the help of the elves." He smirked as Chlammy finally collapsed onto her bottom.

"Well, I'm not mad." To everyone's surprise he turned around, the powerful presence disappearing as he nonchalantly got back on the throne and crossed his legs.

"In the eternal war, humans would do anything to survive. Whether that be hiding within the dirt, or under the rule of another race. Many people made different choices out of desperation, while some had no choices at all."

"Girl, you must have been desperate." He took out a glass of oolong tea and sipped on it. Everyone was silent as he continued to nurse his drink.

Nothing but the sound of Zieg drinking his tea was heard for a moment and when he finally finished his drink, he smashed it on the ground. Everyone flinched at the sound of broken glass.

"Which means, nothing has changed." He announced, a smile gracing his lips. Instead of rage, he seemed to be ecstatic about the situation.

"That's right, nothing has changed. Chlammy Zell, you made the choice to get help from the elves out of desperation, that's fine. However, you underestimate the ability of humans when they become backed into a corner!" His voice raised as he stood up, the crowd looking up towards him.

"It took ability to get this help of yours. So I will recognize that and even congratulate you for your efforts." He clapped, moving towards Sora and Shiro.

"This is to all people and races. If you wish to take on humanity. Then come. Use all your power and tricks at your disposal. I won't even need to deal with it personally."

His hands made their way to the Neet siblings shoulders.

"Because with my blessings, these two shall be my apostles and carry out my will!"


"Is he serious?"

None of this was said out loud or whispered. Instead it was thought through out the minds of the people.

"D-Does that mean you will allow us to continue?"

"Of course. Like I said, I recognize your ability. You may use any and all tricks at your disposal against these two who will carry out my will. But be warned, I'll simply crush every little trick, whether it be magic or not."

"To all of you who call yourself humans, let it be known that these two shall be my apostles! Which means their words are my own!"

A charismatic feeling empowered the people, forcing them to cheer out.

"Well then, it's up to you two to take over from here." Zieg told the siblings before leaving them something to contact him with.

"Ah, that was tiring." I said out loud, collapsing back on a bean bag out of nowhere.

"Was it really? It didn't look like you did much besides show up and grand stand a bit." Draig commented as the two mini dragons had been watching the whole thing.

"Of course it was! Acting all high and mighty is a pain in the ass. When I was younger my old man would make me do that at high society events."

Seriously I hated all the posturing and acting like I was better than everyone else back when I was still a Schnee. It's just tiring and honestly cringe as all hell.

"Well you'll probably have to get used to it considering you're basically a god to these people now." Albion noted as he had been paying attention to the crowd's reactions.

"Don't remind me. Apparently I have zealots who worship me now."

If it wasn't obvious, I didn't like zealots. It's doubly awkward when I have my own. Gives me the creeps.

"But are you sure those two can handle it after you dumped off all the work to them?"

"Even if I didn't interfere, they would have been able to figure out a way to succeed." I shrugged. I only showed up because I was specifically called and I didn't mind assisting in the process of getting my tree back.

"I find your confidence in these two bugs a bit jarring." Jibril said, floating by the mirror.

"Oi Jibril, don't underestimate them. At least in terms of games, even you would lose against them and that's without my help."

"Somehow I doubt that, but if you say so..."

Ah, she's totally gonna lose to them in the future. Even if she didn't underestimate them, I'm already sure that they would win.


"So you are the Uther Pendragon I have been hearing of!" Slane pointed towards the man, standing above the group.

Uther Pendragon was an older man who looked to be in his 50s or 60s. His gray beard and nearly white hair was telling of his age. However his body still looked to be in it's prime, with muscles tightened underneath his white collar shirt and slacks. A pair of square glasses settled neatly on his aged visage.

"Heh, that's Senator Pendragon to you, wyrm." Uther flicked off the cigar in his fingers to address the group.

"It's over Uther! Your plans end here!" Tresdin declared, as they had finally cornered him.

"Idiot, it's not ending. No, in fact this is just the start." Uther smirked, completely unconcerned with the fact that they had tracked him down.

"What are you talking about?"

"Heh, check the devilnet lately?"

"What are you...?"

"Oh hey, we're trending." Slane got the group's attention with his phone in hand.

Multiple articles showed the group and their adventures however it mainly depicted the round table in a good light as opposed to what actually happened.

"What? But these are lies! What nonsense is this?"

"Why are they making us look like the bad guys?"

"I call it the beauty of journalism. The Roundtable valiantly defending the free world from the supernatural filth."

"Which reminds me." Uther snapped his finger.

The void beside him shimmered, revealing a goth lolita girl who narrowed her eyes at the red haired biker.

"Lady Ophis, I leave him in your capable hands." He gestured towards the biker.

Red and Ophis seemed to disappear from reality for a moment to battle elsewhere.

Naturally the group became worried as their powerful friend seemed to have been whisked away somewhere else by the infinite dragon.

"Friend Red will be fine, do not worry for we still outnumber him!" Slane assured his comrades.

"Ah right, you are Slane correct?" Uther turned his attention over to the bipedal lizard man.

"Correct! I am Slane of Rivellon!"

"Right, I just wanted to thank you. You've been a great help this whole time." Surprisingly the man thanked him.

"What are you speaking of?" Slane asked with confusion.

"I mean, you've delivered the holy grail straight to me!" He gestured towards Valerie who looked just as confused

"Wait wha-!?" She began to freak out as a giant pillar of white light engulfed her.

"I can't think of a greater gift than this!"

"Release friend Valerie this instant you fiend!"

"Very well, I'll release her. Right after I channel the souls of the past Pendragon to me!"

A vortex of white light engulfed Uther Pendragon's form. The magnificent spectacle pierced the sky and alerted the supernatural world.

"Rah!" Uther roared out, causing the pillar of light to explode, sending everyone flying back.

"Friend Valerie!" Slane caught the girl who had fallen out of the light, unconscious.

"Hehe, I didn't think it would be this easy." Uther chuckled stepping out from the light and looked down at the group from on top of a U.S Flag pole.

"What kind of power is this?!" Arthur grimaced in alarm, feeling the incredible power radiating off him.

"Is he truly human?" Slane questioned, seeing the holy light around the man.

"He's a senator!"

"Do all Senators have this kind of power!?" The bipedal lizard asked in surprise. "No wonder bills never get passed!" was his conclusion.

Jumping down from the top of the American Flag, kicking up the dust. He adjusted his glasses with a smirk.

"Let's go!"

He declared as Slane and companions got ready for the fight of their lives.