13 Struggling

~Peach's Castle~

SMG4: Tell me what you got, Professor.

E. Gadd: well, after a thorough secret examination, it seems the land you show me SMG4, is part of a ritual temple.

SMG4: A ritual temple?

E. Gadd: Yeah. On the plaque, it reads: 3 painful scars will bring back what's true evil.

SMG4: How so?

E. Gadd: I don't know, but judging to the ashes on the columns, they've been lit upon certain events. Each in an interval of 6 months.

SMG4: I think those events seem familiar...

PG: SMG4, I had detected signs in the suburban area.

SMG4: Has Lo & the others been in the blast?

PG: Not sure, but now I'm detecting a heat signature heading towards us riiiight...


(The doors then broke open as Mario, carrying Zel & Lo, crashed onto the two)

SMG4: Ow, my ass. Mario, what are you doing here?

Mario: SMG4, we have a problem.

~November 1~

Lo:(wakes up) what just happened?

Zel: Basically man, you got possessed, disarmed me, & rekt all of us.

Lo: I don't really know what happened to me.

Mario: Bah! That happens to the best of us.

(That's when Luigi arrived, with a Goomba Yaoi & a grown-up man)

Luigi: Man, you've gotten worse.

Unknown man: Zel, what just happened here?!

Zel: Hey there, dad.

Lo & Mario: DAD?!

Zel: Everyone, this is my father, Nakano. Dad, this is-

Nakano: those ruffians whom I'll never allow you to talk them onto!

Mario: What?!

Zel: But dad, they did nothing wrong. I didn't know about that incident in the first place.

Nakano: Yeah, but now, (points to Lo) THAT guy here's a public menace!

Mario: It's unfair, sir. You can't just lock up your own daughter because of it.

Nakano: I had to protect my little one's sake! It's a very unsafe world here, & I was the only one to guard her on it.

Lo: Yeah, before the Grandparents came in.

Nakano: YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH ABOUT THIS! Come on daughter. By the time we're back at the apartment, you're grounded indefinitely!

Zel: Sorry, guys. I shouldn't be bothered to make amends with you.

(As father & daughter left, Lo had this painful dread from what happened recently. Maya then entered with bandages around her arms)

Maya: I'm here neighbor! Have I been too late?

Lo: You sure did.

~November 13~

(While SMG4's talking onto E. Gadd again, Mario & Lo are watching some Wubby cartoon while looking down)

Mario: Yeesh, that's simply a hard time right now.

Lo: I know. I tried calling on Zel & Nakano, but it seems to have not been taken.

(Because upon arriving back there, her account's have been revoked by her dad)

Mario: What about that time you snuck her out for giving her a robotic arm?

Lo: That's different. She insisted she knew a doctor for that, & came onto me. The way she tested that really got a point up at WOTFI.

Mario: Yeah. Do you think we can get her back?

Lo: I don't know, but it seemed like we need to do it ourselves.

Mario: Atta boy, let's-a go!

(But as they left the castle, they noticed Zel standing by, hooded & with King Pipe & Maya)

Zel: Hey there, fellas.

Mario: Zel, what are you doing here?

Lo: Did you just got out of here before us?

Maya: Well, we helped.

KP: I just can't help having an unsatisfied tenant. & I can't let it start now!

Lo: Thanks, fellas. Alright, our new plan's to show your dad you're capable enough of friends like us.

Maya: (notices something) Hold a second, guys. I need to call someone. (goes inside the castle)

???: Are you ready for this?

?????: No, that ain't what we agree on. What if someone finds out?

???: You have to take that risk. Otherwise, you might lose it all.

(the unknown callee then thought about it, then solemnly agrees. Meanwhile, back at SMG4's room)

E. Gadd: I would like to call in someone in interest. Come on out.

(Kirby then enters the door, carrying a folder)

SMG4: Kirby, do you have something for us?

Kirby: In fact, I did. A few days ago, I was busy enjoying tacos on a supernova when something caught my eye. Among the cosmos is an unlikely comet, massive & fiery to boot.

(He then empties the contents for SMG4 & E. Gadd to see)

& by its side is the same emblem from the one in the temple (the horned Metroid). Do you think they're connected?

E. Gadd: Interesting. I think I've seen this before. It's-

(but all of a sudden, the Murder Drone returned & kidnapped E. Gadd. She then flew off the window & went off somewhere)

Lo: So, how do we do it?

Mario: How do you ask me? I only knew how to get into trouble, not making it.

Zel: He's right. We need something bold, something believable, something-

(For all of a sudden, they witnessed a drone flying off the castle)


Zel: What is that thing?

Mario: I saw this once before, & that ain't pretty. (sees SMG4 meeting up with them) That ain't me this time.

SMG4: I know, but someone's taken by this "thing". We had to get there fast!

Zel: Wait, what about Maya?

KP: We'll text her on the way. But where do we suppose to go?

(On all of a sudden, Lo then notices a purple-ish arrow on his screen. It points onto where the drone's heading)

Lo: Guys, follow my arm! (starts running off)

Mario: You ain't be doing it yourself, bro. (starts flying & carries Lo)

KP: (conjures a pipe) You two get in there. I'll follow ahead.

Zel: Thanks. (hops into the pipe)

SMG4: You better know where it's going. (gets in)

(As the gang heads off, Lo overlooks the arrow, pointing onto wherever the drone goes)

???: Your other target's sighted. Be careful.

Nakano: (on the phone) Don't worry, Senko. I'm heading back early as we speak. I'd just start buying the-

(suddenly, someone had landed in front of him, shocking Nakano in his tracks. He even accidentally hung up whoever's on the phone)

?????: Target detected!

End of Ch. 13
