
Yuan Zun: Resentments Wrath

The Saint Dragon fell . The Saint God rises . However, Resentment will never go away.

Takemikazushi1116 · อื่นๆ
3 Chs








All kinds of emotions swirled in Zhou Yuan's eyes as he looked at the being who destroyed everything with fury.

Black and White aura flared across his body without any restraint making Zhou Yuan squint.

The Saint God.

He had failed to break through the 4th and final step of the Ancestral Dragon Scripture.

He could not convince the poison that had been gwaning on his body at the moment of birth.

Looking back at the 5 Heavens he is desperately trying to protect with all his might he could do nothing but grit his teeth in frustration.

The black-and-white flood was constantly chipping away at his Divine Power, It won't be soon till it would collapse.

"It's over Zhou Yuan"

Among the black-and-white flood, A voice was heard.

The man in front spoke mockingly as he arrogantly gazed upon the sorry state of Zhou Yuan's Divine Power Phantasm.

"I commend you for bravely facing me but this is the end!"

The Saint God's Divine Power further strengthened as Heaven and Earth were constantly being shattered to pieces.

Space and Time were obliterated beyond existence, It was clear that the Saint God was giving it his all.

'He still wasn't giving it all?!', Zhou Yuan couldn't help but despairingly shout in his head.

Zhou Yuan gritted his teeth as he forcibly increased his Divine Power to withstand it, "I can't fall here!"

The Phantasm grew even brighter.

As both Divine powers clashed it was evidently clear who was winning.

Zhou Yuan's Divine Power stood no chance against the Saint God who was only half a step from the 1st Sequence!

Coupled with the strand of cultivated Ancestral Dragon Power he was no match.

If it weren't for Zhou Yuan's Divine Power, The 5 Heavens would have been swallowed and destroyed in an instant!

But all things must come to an end.

The giant phantasm crumbled under the Saint God's might and shattered to pieces as an earth-shattering explosion was heard across all the 9 Heavens


All of the 5 Lower Heaven residents looked at the battle in horror.

Incomparable fear was instilled in them as their body hair stood to no end.

Many cried, Many went insane, Many started killing each other in despair, And Many committed suicides.

In the end, all hope was lost.

The 5 Heavens were stained with blood by their own hands.

Only a few managed to keep calm and slowly accepted their fate.

Zhou Yuan's friends his Family the 4 Prime Sovereigns and the strong-willed Saint Experts.

Tun Tun could only emit a low roar of sadness.

Jin Luo felt sad and hopeless, Countless generations sacrificed themselves for the 5 Heavens just to see the day when they are finally liberated from the Saint Race.

But all of their sacrifices were in vain.

He sighed before bowing his head in acceptance

The others saw this and felt despair.

Even the oldest and wisest Prime Sovereign had lost hope.

Chi Ji and Di Long accompanied Jin Luo's actions.

Cang Yuan felt regret for what he had done.

Being manipulated by the Saint God and for Yao Yao to develop feelings for Zhou Yuan.

It could be said that all of this happened because of him.

If I hadn't...

If I hadn't Stolen the Divine Egg then maybe just maybe.

Things would have gone differently.

Cang Yuan sighed.

It was only a matter of time before the Black and White flood reaches the 5 Heavens.


I can't lose no matter what!

Zhou Yuan screamed in his mind as he gathered his Divine Power at the tip of his spear.

5 Ancient Stamps circled the spear, It was the 5 Heaven Saint Stamps!

Operating 5 Heaven Saint Stamps at their full capabilities.

In the 5 Heavens.

5 Ginormous Rays of light appeared in the Center Continents of all 5 Heavens, Each one towering more than 1/3 of the size of a Heaven.

Genesis Qi gathered together in one spot thus reducing the farther Continents Genesis Qi to its lowest level possible.

All 5 lights shoot out toward Zhou Yuan's Body in a flash.

Massive amounts of Heaven Power gathered in his spear as Zhou Yuan's eyes hardened.

In an instant, A massive whale-like creature appeared on the 5 Heaven Saint Stamps, Each holding a tremendous amount of Heaven Power.

Being inspired by one of his spear's previous moves he decided to call it.

Divine Art: 5 Heaven Whale Saints!

The 5 whales smashed against the White and Black Flood in a massive explosion.

Using all of my Divine Power without any reserves, The Black and White flood was slowly being pushed back with a thunderous roar.


The 5 Lower Heavens saw this and hope once again appeared before their eyes, All Saints felt a little relieved.

Albeit only a little.

The 4 Sovereigns have had their hopes risen once again!


Among the starry sky was a Golden silhouette that constantly sparked hope among the trillions of people.

But that light slowly grew dimmer and dimmer.

Zhou Yuan didn't feel relieved, Instead became even more cautious.

He used up all of his Divine Power in that one technique.

Using his Divine Perception, He surveyed 4,400,000,000 Billion Kilometers of space looking for the Saint Gods' presence.

He then picked up a presence, A suffocating presence.

He immediately looked to his side and to his horror, The Saint God grew even stronger!

Multiple strands of Supreme Power swirled around The Saint God's Body, He had a suffocating aura surrounding him.

Ancestral Dragon Power!

Zhou Yuan looked at the Ancestral Dragon Power in visible horror.

"Zhou Yuan"

The mere words of The Saint God were enough to snap Zhou Yuan out of his Horror, "H-How?! you only had a strand of Ancestral Dragon Power before!"

How could the Saint God suddenly acquire that many?!

Just a single strand took the Saint God more than Thousands upon thousands of years to cultivate!

And yet...

"Battling you made me realize that I had to make some sacrifices", The Saint God spoke in a calm voice but his eyes glowed darkly.

Zhou Yuan's eyes widen as his Divine Perception alarmed him.

His head snapped to his side and Zhou Yuan had a look of horror.

A billion kilometers of space tore open revealing a humongous land mass filled with pure Genesis Qi.

All heaven Saints and the Saint Race experts both had a wide eye towards the scene displayed to them.

It was Guyuan Heaven!

The Saint God grinned before waving his hand towards Guyuan Heaven.

"Although it took quite a long time to find the Guyuan Heavens location nonetheless, it was worth the trouble"

Crimson Divine Power engulfed the entire Heaven destroying it at a fast rate as if it was being chewed by the Divine Power.

Zhou Yuan stared at the sight with Horror, No wonder he managed to make that much Ancestral Dragon Power!

Guyuan Heaven was made from the Ancestral Dragons body fragments thus making the Heaven contain the purest Genesis Qi!

It was the perfect thing to condense Ancestral Dragon Power.

The Saint God moved and took a single step.

Zhou Yuan immediately reacted by releasing a wave of Divine Power toward the Saint God.

The Saint God just scoffed before waving his hand toward the incoming attack made out of Divine Power.

The Saint God's Life Source Material the Chaotic Yin Yang Sea appeared behind his back thrashing itself toward the wave of Divine Power swallowing it.

Zhou Yuan groans because of the attack he just sent, It was far too weak and feeble to even put a scratch on the Saint God.

He exhausted himself severely...

"It's time for the curtains to close Zhou Yuan"

Zhou Yuan's eyes widen as the Saint God instantly appeared in front of him

'What speed!'

The Saint God's grinned in an incredible proportion as he viciously punched Zhou Yuan with his full strength.

The sound of the punch vibrated all across the 9 Heavens.

Zhou Yuan's body was sent down flying at insane speeds as he crashed into one of the 9 Heavens, Shengling Heaven.

Which is one of the two heavens that were sacrificed to revive the Saint God to the Second Sequence.

Zhou Yuan's body was buried deeply inside Shengling Heaven as a crater formed that is the size of 5 continents appeared.

"Looks like you found yourself a nice burial place", The Saint God mocks Zhou Yuan before he stretched his arms towards Zhou Yuan.

The Chaotic Yin Yang Sea attacked, Billions of black and white water that was incredibly sharp heads toward Zhou Yuan.



Zhou Yuan had his clothes torn apart leaving only his shredded pants and his spear tightly held by his hands.

His body was extremely damaged beyond repair.

It was the first time he was injured like this ever since the start of the battle and when he had acquired a Divine Body.

Zhou Yuan opened his eyes to an incoming attack by the Saint God, He panicked and tried to call upon his Divine Power but it did not respond.

His Divine Power was ultimately suppressed by the Ancestral Dragon Power, He could do nothing but face the attack head-on.

Black-white needles brimming with Divine Power rapidly approached Zhou Yuan.

It's as if time had slowed down and Zhou Yuan's life began to flash before his eyes.

A young fragile prince that was a laughing stock to his family

Looking at kids his age that was eagerly asking their parents for permission to start cultivating.

He felt jealous and resentful sometimes hateful towards everyone even towards his parents.

But all of those emotions were pushed back at the very depths of my soul.

what can being angry possibly change?

He had crawled his way up from hell facing numerous hardships along his journey.

His friends and enemies belittled and mock him and yet he prevailed each time and continuously climb up to the peak.

And the same time he had found the love of his life to which he had devoted himself too.

He vaguely remembers Yao Yao's last words to him since she became his Divine Bone, And the last time he had seen her.

"Zhou Yuan"

Her soft intoxicating voice filled their Cave dwelling as she lovingly caressed my cheeks with a tinge of sadness.

"Yao Yao has no other wish but for your future to be filled with peace and happiness."

Her last sentence was filled with sorrow but it was a clear sign of her Love, Passion, Adoration, And affection for him.

She had always been the one to protect me, Help me, And Shield me every time my life was in danger.

Heh, Now that he thinks about it he had never been able to show his manly side to Yao Yao at all.

What the hell am I doing...

I am laughing even though I'm about to die.

I must have gone crazy from grief.

The attack from the Saint God can't be stopped, Not in his current state.

"Yao Yao has no other wish but for your future to be filled with peace and happiness."

Those exact words flashed in Zhou Yuan's mind over and over again like a music disk spinning, And each time his regret became greater.

And a circling feeling loomed at the depth of his soul.

His Hatred becomes even stronger!

His Hatred for the Saint Race!

His Hatred for the Saint God!

His Hatred for Fate!


His Hatred too himself!

"Yao Yao has no other wish but for your future to be filled with peace and happiness."

He gritted his teeth in anger as he faced the incoming attack by the Saint God.


An Earth-Shattering explosion occurred as Mountains and Rivers were obliterated from existence.

Genesis Qi of Shengling was in a state of unrest as the Chaotic Yin Yang Sea swallowed every part of Heaven.

It didn't take long before the whole Heaven detonated in a massive explosion signaling its complete destruction.

The explosion reached its nearby Heavens severely damaging them and leaving some of the farther Heavens with little damage.

The explosion didn't go too far as space held it in its place firmly.

The Saint God witness the destruction with a satisfied smile.

"It's truly a pity I wasn't able to make the first Mortal turned god into my servant but it is what it is"

The Saint God turned around facing the 5 Lower Heavens with a blank face, His eyes turned crimson as his voice got darker.

"Now then it's time for All Heavens Destruction to begin"



A swirl of light appeared at the deepest depths of the world.

The very same light wiggled before suddenly darting toward the surface.

Along the way, It started to morph and transform as it continues to grow bigger and bigger.

First, it grew a tail

Second, Then a body and two arms with claws adorned with tough golden scales.

Thirdly, A head that of a Majestic Dragon.

The Majestic Golden Dragon grew bigger and bigger till it stopped making it as large as a small mountain.

As the dragon surfaced he witnessed the destruction that has been brought to the 9 Heavens he had created.

He was the Ancestral Dragon last remaining Will.

He proceeds to fly over the ensuing destruction looking around for something.

But all he saw was death and destruction.

The Saint Race slaughtered and ate the 5 Heaven inhabitants, Whenever it be young or old.

They were not spared.

Although the Omega Shrine Saint Experts tried to fight back, They were ultimately suppressed by the Saint God's Mighty Power.

They were slaughtered and eaten by the Saint Race.

The humans were used as pill ingredients to make pills to strengthen themselves while the Genesis Beast suffered the same fate.

In order to escape this brutality, Many killed themselves so as to not have the Saint Race have the satisfaction of killing them.

It was hell on earth

But the Ancestral Dragon didn't care and continued to fly over them and continued its search around all of the Heavens.

It was searching for something, For someone who could put an end to this.

It searched everywhere till it arrived on the now destroyed Shengling Heaven which was nothing more than floating rocks.

Cosmic dust and huge debris flew across space heading towards nowhere.

At that very moment, Something caught its attention and it immediately flew over toward it.

At the very center of Heaven was a lifeless body.

The body was mangled and torn apart leaving nothing but flesh and a severely scarred head.

it emitted no Qi nor Divine Power indicating that it was dead.

And most importantly, Its soul had been destroyed.

Scattered across space impossible to fix.

It was the Lifeless body of Zhou Yuan...

The Will of the Ancestral Dragon arrived and quickly observed Zhou Yuan by circling his lifeless body.

It then stopped before a look of disappointment appeared on the Dragon's seemingly stiff face.

The will closed its eyes as if in deep thought.

The 5 Heavens only Salvation was dead.

He had failed his creations and destruction was inevitable.

Alone in the empty space of void with nothing more than a mangled body, The Ancestral Dragons Will began to weaken over time.

In an instant, He senses a malicious presence.


The dragon's eyes snapped open looking at the mangled corpse in interest.

There were signs of vitality...

The Dragon once again carefully examined the mangled body searching it thoroughly.

Crimson Black was what he saw.

It was a poison that held a fragment of a soul and vitality almost the exact same as the corpse.

And its sentience was on the same level as Humans.

Its power was weak but it was Sinister and malicious in nature, But its potential to grow was immense.

It was reluctant but this may be the 5 Heavens only Salvation.

The Ancestral Dragons Will made up its mind.

He Sealed space so that the Saint God won't notice its presence.

The dragon's mouth opened forming a golden liquid that contained a mysterious power.

The Golden liquid landed on the corpse.

The moment it touched the corpse it was surrounded by golden light and the once withered and torn body started to regenerate.

Its once dark skin began to glow with luster as his feet all the way to its head healed as if nothing had happened.

The Reformation of the Body!

The golden light remained and although the body was fixed, It can never return the dead back to life.

All that was left in the body was the poison, No soul or Vitality.

For the final step.

The Ancestral Dragon slightly opened his mouth and a mysterious chant was heard, Weird symbols and ancient characters appeared on the body.

It contained no power but what those ancient characters held is astonishing.

Everything is complete.

With an earth-shattering roar that broke the seal, It was heard across all Heavens.

Then the entire world turned white.

Note: Irregular updates, May take weeks or months to upload one and please point out all of the grammar mistakes thank you.

Takemikazushi1116creators' thoughts